SOF Chapter 90 (Final Chapter)

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The sunlight shining on my eyes wakes me up the next morning. My eyes slowly flutter open to adjust to the bright light of the Seychelle Island Mont Fleuri.

"Good morning, Mrs. Faulkerson." his eyes stare back at me. They are sparkling even more than the clearest diamond on earth.

"Good morning, husband." I say grinning to him, my eyes reflecting his sparkle.

"I love you."

"I love you, too." I say smiling before he kisses me softly.

"How are you?"

I grin at him, "Sore."

He returns my grin and chuckles, "Other than that?"

"I'm fine." I assure him.

"No dizziness?"

"Stop worrying about your wife, Mr. Faulkerson. She is fine. More than fine actually. Just like your unborn daughter. Your family is fine. Happily married."

He smiles softly at me before he kisses me again, "Speaking of family, when do you think should we tell our families about our unborn daughter?"

I brush through my messy hair, "I don't know... After our honeymoon maybe."

He nodds, "Okay..."
"Speaking of our honeymoon, when exactly will we be on your island?"

"Everything at a time, Mrs. Faulkerson. Are you hungry?"

"How long are you already awake?" I ask him as I lift myself.

"About an hour."

"And you didn't wake me?!"

"I learned from the last time to not wake you." he remarks and I grin.


"Maine..." his soft voice reaches my ears.

No... I don't want to wake up. I need sleep! Lots of sleep! I am tired. So tired. This child is making me tired all the time and it's his fault. His fault! He had to knock me up! And I need sleep. My sleep.

I growl and roll over in the bed.

"Maine, wake up..."

"No..." I mumble before I place the pillow from his side over my ear.

"Honey, "

I shot my eyes open, "Why the hell are you waking me up at this ungodly hour?!" I scream at him. "Do you know how tired I am?! This child is exhausting! This pregnancy is exhausting!" I yell and throw his pillow right into his face. "LET ME SLEEP!"

"Did you just throw a pillow at me?!" he remarks shocked.

"Get lost and let me sleep." I hiss at him before I let my head sink on the pillow again.

"But I have Patricia on the phone." he says in a soft voice.

I grumble before I grab the phone out of his hands. I push the red button before even taking the call. "And now let me get my sleep."

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