SOF: Chapter 73

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WOW!!!! Thank you guys for all your comments. Here is my next update... Enjoy reading!!!!

She is leaning against the white wall across me. She still looks like a crap. Like walking dead.

The silver gun glitters back at me. Fuck, does she even know how to use it? Is he going to kill me now?!

"Close the door!" she yells at me.

I do what she ask me to. After all, this is a big gun.

"Irina, please put the gun down." I beg her, feeling the adrenalin rushing through my veins.

"You know," she starts, twisting the gun in her hands, "I never really knew what the whole deal was with a gun. Until...Until I killed for the first time."

I gulp. Kill?! She already killed someone?! "Irina,I'm sure you don't want to do this...." I say, looking into her deathly green eyes. she seems scared and sophisticated at the same time. She reminds me of Richard.

Oh no Richard! I put my hand in my stomach right away. My little horserace. No one gets to hurt my little horserace. No one!

"Just answer me one question, Nicomaine." she says, walking over to me.

I nodd, "Anything." I reach into the pocket of my coat and start to dial his number. Luckily, I know Richard's number by heart. Then I push the green button before I put the volume on a very low level, so she won't hear him.

"Why did he chose you?" she ask me, her head slightly turn to my side. "I mean out of all these women he could have chosen anyone. But he chose you." she says, pointing the gun right into my chest.

Is she going to pull the trigger now? I am silent.

"Answer me!" she yells.

"I...I don't know."

"Don't lie to me!" she says and hits me with a silver gun in my face.

I feel my blood pounding. My cheek is red and it really hurts. "He fell in love with me." I answer back in a whisper, feeling tears rolling down my cheek. No don't cry Nicomaine! That way she will only have more power over you.

"Love?!" she ask me and fakes a laugh. "Oh no honey. Richard Faulkerson doesn't love!" she says and hits me again. This time in my ribs.

I feel the pain running through my veins right away. They just healed you fucking skunk!

"Irina, please put the gun down. You don't want to hurt anyone, do you?"

"He should pick me! Me!" she yells at me, pointing with the gun at me. "Not you! You are just.....A whore he met on the streets!"

I am anything but a whore! "What are you going to do after you killed me, Irina?" I ask her. I need to keep her talking. It will give me time. Time to think. Time for Richard to come and save me.

"He loves me! Me!" she yells "You have no idea what history we have. How can he throw it away in a blink of an eye?! "she asks me and suddenly I understand. She is not after me. She's just hurt. Her heart is shattered. He broke her heart. she loved him.

I nodd. "I'm sorry."

"No! I don't need your fucking sorry! You are the reason why he left me!" she yells again.

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