SOF: Chapter 69

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The next morning the sunlight wakes me up. It was a rather sleepless night. A hot night. I open my eyes and stare back into worried eyes.

"Hi." I greet him with a soft smile on my lips.

"How are you?"

"Have you been up all night?" I ask him back. Now I'm feeling guilty.

"You didn't have answer my question."

"The fever is gone...Thank God. And I feel...Somewhat okay."

"I'm going to call Meredith to check up on you this noon." he explains to me.

I open my mouth to say something, but I quickly close it as I feel my stomach turning around. Oh not again! I get up from the bed and run into the bathroom to vomit into the toilet.

As soon as I finished vomiting, I wash my face with icy cold water to get awake. But I don't feel better.

"This isn't good." I hear his voice echoing in the bathroom door.

I turn around and look at him. He's leaning against the door frame, wearing only sweat pants. God, how can a man look good in the morning?!

"I am fine." I say to him as I walk over to him.

He doesn't say anything. He just turn around and walk over to his phone.

"What do you think you're doing?" I ask him as he starts to dial a number.

"I'm going to call Meredith." he says to me as he puts the phone next to his ear.

I roll my eyes, "I am fine."

He doesn't answer me. Instead He turn around and walk out of the room.

I hear greeting Nick, who's doing the morning shift this week. It's been like this since three weeks. She is still walking around  the streets of Manhattan, probably enjoying her triumph over me- and my body.

As soon as he left the room, I feel my body temperature rising again. Fuck.

I sit down on the edge of the king size bed, trying to calm down. I close my eyes and let myself fall on the bed.

"Meredith will be here in five minutes." I hear his voice before I open my eyes. "She's going to take some blood, to make sure it's nothing serious."

"It's not serious. It's a simple flu, Richard." I explain to him in a calm voice.

"Either way, I'd like to know what's going on with you." he says as he walks into the closet to get dressed.

"Why are you getting dressed?"

"I have an appointment with my trainer in ten minutes." he explains, getting into training clothes. "Besides, I think Meredith and you should have some private time."

"You should introduce me to him."


"Your trainer."

"I will, if you want to."

"I do, I haven't been working out for six months. I need to get my body moving again."

"How about I'll introduce him to you in the New Year?"

I nodd, "Sounds good."

A knock on the door end our conversation.

Richard put on his shirt before he walks over to the double swing door. "I told Nick to go away for 30 minutes. I don't want Meredith to see the security and get worried."

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