SOF: Chapter 60

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Being with him makes me whole. Waking up to him makes me happy. Observing him when he walks around in the penthouse makes me breathless. How can a man be so elegant?

The last couple of days with him felt like heaven - well, really close to heaven.

The new Mr. and Mrs. Grey are on their honeymoon in the Maldives - a present from Richard. Meredith and Mark gave them an apartment on the Upper East Side, which must cost more than a fortune. Me on the other side, gave them something simple - a photo album and a bottle of red wine with the instruction to open it on their tenth anniversary.

I haven't start working yet. In the new year, I decided, would be the best start. I heard that there's a new boss on the top of the record company, perhaps it will have some advantages for my career. The career as a song writer.

I walk down the cold streets of Manhattan as soon as I leave Starbucks. Christmas is approaching and you can definitely feel it within the New Yorker atmosphere. Everything seems good. Everyone seems to wish Christmas would be tomorrow - actually it's in a couple of weeks.

The streets are crowded - even in the evenings. The sun has set hours ago, filling Manhattan in the dark - yet sparkly thanks to the skyscraper.

"Nicomaine Mendoza?" I hear a voice calling my name.

I turn around and look at a woman about my age. "Yes?" I ask the ghost-like figure. She's blonde and has pierce green eyes - a wonderful color. Yet, the sparkle seems to be gone and instead there's just.... Emptiness in her eyes. What took that sparkle away?

She's wearing warm black fur coat, which seems to be way too big for her bony figure. She looks like she lost 20 pounds in one week. In other words: She embody's death.

"What do you have that I don't?" She asks me in a clear Russian accent, her head slightly turned to the side. It reminds me of Richard. He's doing that kind of action whenever he is in deep thoughts. It's like he's trying to analyze me and himself at the same time.

"I'm sorry?"

She doesn't explain her question. Instead she turn around and walk away from me. Leaving me clueless in the streets of Manhattan.

I shake my head trying to forget the weird conversation and meeting. But I can't.

What the hell does she mean?! Who does she think she is........

The bright smile of the portiere rips me out of my thoughts.

"Good evening Ms. Mendoza." He greets me, holding the door open to the building.

"Good evening Paul." I return his smile as I step in.

I feel the warm temperature right away. I almost forgot how cold it was outside as I get into the elevator. I push the PH button after I typed in the code.

Why didn't she wear other clothes? Why did she look so...So deathly?And her eyes - what or who took the sparkle from them?

The elevator doors glide open and I step out.

"Where have you been?" I hear his voice before I even see him.

He storms out of the living area. He looks worried-angry even.

"I was at Starbucks with Amanda. I've told you" What his problem?!

"I called you a thousand times!"

"My battery died." I explain as I get out of the coat, surprised by my coolness.

He shoots a dark look at me. He seems tensed. Did I do something wrong?

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