SOF Chapter 15

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Pambawi ni author sa tagal na di nag update😊😊

Twenty minutes later we walk into the stairway of a New York Building. We slowly walk up the stairs, saying no word. The whole drive was silent as I kept wondering about whether or not he treated all his girlfriends the way he treats me. These questions are slowly killing me. I don't know if I can be with someone when these questions appear all the time in my head. It's not easy.
We stop in front of the locked front door of my new apartment and we already her Patricia giggling. I smile as I unlock the door and we both step in.

"Stop it! That's not funny!" I heard her says laughing herself.

Samuel laughs his heart out but stops as he sees us walking in "Well that's a surprise?"

Patricia turns around and eyeball me before she walks over to me and hugs me. "Hi Maine!"

"Hi, Pat."

"Mr. Faulkerson. " Patricia says and smiles shyly. So she feels just like intimidating as I feel when I'm around him.

"Miss Cruz."

"Her name is Patricia, Richard." Adam gets up and look at his brother.

"Patricia." Richard says nodding with another killer smile on her lips.

"I see you have nice company." I say looking at Adam. He is tall dark and handsome. Nothing like his brother. The man walks over to me and holds his hand out, "I'm Samuel."

"Maine." I say shaking hands with him. He seems nice. Besides he makes her laugh, which is a good sign.

Samuel hugs his brother and both men smile at each other.

"Well, I should get going..." Richard starts, looking at Adam.

"Yeah, we should." his brother agrees with before he walks over to Patricia to kiss her passionately. I wonder if Richard would ever kiss me this way--in front of them.

"Laters, Babe." Adam says to her smiling.

"I'll pick you up tomorrow at eight in the morning." I hear his voice ringing in my ears.

"Why so soon?" The dinner will be in the evening won't it?"

"Yes but I have plans with you before the evening. I want to show you around, Miss Mendoza. Do you like horses?"

Confused, I turn around. Do I Like horses? "Uhm... Yes I guess."

"Good. Tomorrow morning." he says as Adam and Patricia stop kissing. "Goodbye, Maine."

"Goodbye, Richard"

"See yah Maine!" I hear Samuel's voice as Richard closes the front door behind them.

"Wow." Patricia says touching her lips.

I turn around and walk over to her, "Yes. WoW."

"Isn't he amazing?" she asks me as we sit down on the couch.

"You seem.....Tamed. I never thought I'd say this but boy you are falling in love with him, Patty."

"Yeah.... I really am falling for him. Crazy, huh? How can you fall for someone you only know for a couple of days? Is this normal?"

"Is anything normal when you're a Faulkerson?"

"He's a Grey."

"Oh. Really?"

"Yes, but I know what you mean. They live in a whole different world."

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