SOF Chapter 8

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I look at him confused and shocked. Did that just really happen? I touch my lips. It did. "Why did you kiss me?" I ask confused.
He shruggs, "It's the only way to get you silent."
I don't response. Instead, I still look at him shocked.
"Besides, I still owe you a kiss." he adds in a flirty voice.
"That's not an answer." I remark, "Why are you constantly sending me those mixed signals? I mean one time you want me and in the other second you are rejecting me. What's--" I feel his lips against mine again. This time it doesn't take me by surprise. Well, I'm not as amazed as before. This time I return his kiss, not wanting it to stop. Our tongues start to battle as I let my hand brush through his perfect chest brown hair. He lets go of my lips, causing my inner goddess to yell again.
"You should stay away from me, Maine." he warns me, his eyes are dark. "I am no good for you."
I look at him confused, "What is that suppose go mean?"
"Exactly what I said." he says before turning around.
No! Don't you dare walk away from me! My inner goddess yells. My body agrees as it grabs his right arm, causing him to stop. He looks at me confused, his eyes first focused on my hand, then he look at me into my eyes.
"Maine, I'm not a man for sweetie pie and flowers....Romanticism, that's nothing for me. My taste is special. You should stay away from me." He closes his eyes, "But surely you've already noticed that I can't stay away from you. I can't keep my hands of you."
" But you sent me flowers and you've saved me from driving cars. If that's not romanticism then I don't know what is." I say to him, "And you don't have to stay away from me. I can take care of myself. I'm a grown up woman who knows how much she can handle."
"You surely won't be able to handle what I have." he says to me.
I shrugg, "Maybe I will, maybe I won't. But I have to try to find out. I deserve this chance. We deserve this chance."
"You have no idea what you're in for."
I look away. Maybe he's right. But I want to. I need him. Badly.
"Explain it to me, then." I say to him, my eyes focused on his dark blue ones.
"Okay.... I'll explain it to you tomorrow evening."
"Why not this evening?"
" Because you're straight out of the hospital. You need rest. You need sleep."
"I've told you that I can handle a lot. Explain it to me today. This evening. I will be able to handle it. I can handle you."
He smirks at me. "Stubborn, Miss Mendoza."
"Yes." I agree and can't help but return his smirk.
"Alright, I'll pick you up at eight. I have the papers in my apartment."
I nodd smiling. Wait, papers? Apartment? " See you at eight then Mr. Faulkerson."
"Go get some rest now." he says sounding like my mother. "See you later, Maine." he says before I close my front door again. I leaned against the door and this time I feel happy. A date. A date with Mr. Richard Faulkerson. A date!

I slept the whole day. I wanted to pack some things from my room, but I was way too tired to do it. My mind was preoccupied thinking about Mr. Confusing.
Then there was Rico. He left me six messages and called me about seven times. But I didn't pick up.Mostly because I was too tired to move an inch. But the truth is, I'm not in the mood to talk to him. Not now. Not when my mind is this close to thinking of him again.
He said something about paperwork. Was it a joke? Perhaps it wasn't. I don't know. I don't think he can joke.
I hope I will see his apartment tonight. No, I just really want to sleep with him. In his car, in his apartment -- it doesn't matter. I want him. I need him. Badly.
Last time I wanted a man so badly it didn't really turn out well. His name was Jake, Second year in college. Four weeks. He broke up with me, by saying he wouldn't be able to fulfill my needs I had no idea  what that meant. Until a couple of days later, when I found out that he had spread rumors about me. Calling me a sex addict. I am not a sex addict. I have a normal need of sex. Sex is an essential part of a relationship. But he really was horrible in bed. I've only had one orgasm in four weeks. I thought he was like some Adonis. He looked good. Really good. He was the best looking guy on campus and I should felt lucky to call him my boyfriend...... Yeah, but he really wasn't that good in bed.
As I walk out of the apartment building, I already see his car in the parking lot. He gets out and smirks at me as he sees me walking towards the car. I can't help but return his smile. Damn it, Richard Faulkerson you really are under my skin.
"Good evening, Miss Mendoza."he says, holding the door open for me.
"Mr. Faulkerson."  I say nodding beforeI get in.
Jim is driving the car. "Good evening, Miss Mendoza.
"Good evening, Jim." I say smiling at him.
"You look better. Did you get some rest?"
I nodd. " I slept the whole day. What did you do today?"
"I was at the beach with Samuel today at Florida I had a business meeting there."
"ooohhh" I nodd.
"Why were you at the hospital?"
" I don't want to talk about it." I say and look out of the windo. We're in another parking lot. "Where are we?"
"You'll see." he says getting out of the car.
"Why are you so mysterious?" I ask him as we walk down a long hallway.
"Me? Mysterious? You're the mysterious one." he says as we reach an elevator.
I'm not mysterious. It's not me who doesn't want to talk about my parents.
"Maine, meet my helicopter Savannah." he says as we step out. And indeed, Savannah is something special. I am amazed by his sized. Amazed by the wealth. I see the logo of Faulkerson's Industries. On a helicopter.
"Good evening, Mr. Faulkerson." A man says to him,
"Everything's checked and ready for take off. Have a nice flight, Sir."
"Thanks." he says smilling.
Richard takes my hand and we walke over to Savannah. I get in first, getting seated in front. As I put on my belt, I start to feel little nervous. "You know what you're doing right?"
"I have a pilot's liscense since five years, Maine. You're safe with me. At least as long as we're in the air." he promises me.
Again, I wonder if he keeps his promises. Then he starts exchanging some informations wth others. I hear them talking as I put on my earphones. It sounds professional. Very professional. Before I can think any further, we start. It's a loud start. I didn't imagine it being so loud. After about five minutes we fly and I smile. All the lights in the night looks amazing.
"Pretty amazing, huh?" he ask me.
I nodd, "Yeah...." I say, not able to take my eyes off the shinning lights under us.
"Is that how you get all women to fall for you ? By taking them on a trip with Savannah?" I ask him after another good ten minutes.
He frowns, "No. I've never taken a woman with me here. Another premiere, Miss Mendoza."
Thirty minutes of flying from New Haven to Manhattan was definitely a good ride. That's fast. No wonder people rather fly than drive.
"Everything alright, Maine?"
"Yes." The view was breathtaking. The lights amaze me so much until we see the helicopter airfield. I also see the word One57. I guess that's the name of the building. The house he lives in. I also notice that this is the biggesr skyscraper in New York City. We slowly land and out of the sudden I am not nervous again. I trust him. He makes me feel safe. Or arleast he can land a helicopter properly.
We get out of the helicopter. Feeling the cold wind clashing against my face. Itake his hand and he leads me to the entrance. He types in a code and the door opens. It's warm and cozy right away. The long hallway has walls made of glass, this way you could enjoy the beautiful view outside.
We reach another elevator and he pushes the button, smilling at me.
I can't smile back, I'm way to amazed to react in any kind of way. We walk into a glass elevator and he pushes the PH button. The button for penthouse. Of course he lives in a penthouse. A penthouse which is worth a fortune. Considering the location, the amazing view and the modern style of the building, a penthouse would cost more than I could ever earn. Ever.
The doors of the elevator open and we stand in his penthouse. I get greeted by a glass hallway. A Hallway with the full view of Manhattan city. The city looks beautiful at night.
"May I take your jacket." he ask me, ripping me slowly out of amazement.
"Yes." I say, taking off of my black blazer.
"Would you like to drink something? A glass of wine maybe?" he ask as he  hangsthe jacket tidily on a satin hanger, which he then places in a wardrobe, also made of glass.
I frown. A glass of wine? Seriously? I shake my head, "I don't think so. After that night...."
"Oh don't worry. I'm here to have an eye on you." he says, walking pass me. My glance slowly moves away from the amazing view. I follow him with my eyes, this penthouse really does match him. It's just breathtaking. Really breathtaking.
I shake my head. Get yourself together, my subconsiousness says to me, we're on  a mission. The mission to unravel the mystery of Richard Faulkerson.

sorry  for the delayed updated...
hope you guys enjoy😊
photo credit to someone owned it.

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