SOF: Chapter 41

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AN: This next chapter will be SPG........

not suitable for minors.....


"Miss Mendoza.......?" I hear Richard's voice calling me.

Uh-oh. This sounds bad. "Yes?" I say as I walk out if the living room area.

"You should have told me." He say in a strict voice.

"But I-"

"I'm not finished Miss Mendoza."

I nodd and close my mouth.

"You should have confirmed me, no matter what Valerie told you. You had three weeks to tell me about how her health status. Three weeks in which you could have called me and tell me this. Three weeks in which-" he stops and sighs, "Stop biting your lip."

I stop biting my lip, "Sorry."

"I thought I could trust you. I thought we don't have any secrets."

I fake laugh, "No secrets?! You're kidding me, right?! You're full of secrets, Richard! You're this whole mystery to me! You play hot and cold with me all the time! Do I like it? Certainly, not! And I have absolutely no idea what I'm getting myself into here. But I'm here." I say into his face. "And let me say, I did not break any rules here. It's her part to tell you. I was in no position to inform you, Richard. I didn't keep a secret from you, I was just waiting for Valerie to show up and tell you herself,just like she do." I say and bite my lip again.

He stare back at me. "You're right."

"Oh I know I am and there's no way you tell me I'm wrong." I say and brush through my hair.

"But you really should stop biting your lip."


"Because it turns me on." He said with a grin on his lips.

"Oh really, Mr. Faulkerson?" I ask him seductively and bite on my

"Yeah, really." He says before he kisses me passionately. I return his kiss automatically and he lifts me up. I feel my pulse rising as we exchange hot kisses.
He kicks the double wing door open without leaving my lips. I start to moan between his kisses,feeling the heat inside me rising.

"You have the most perfect body, have I ever told you that?" He says as he places me on the bed.

I smile at him seductively, "Well you are in good shape as well, Mr. Faulkerson."

He kisses me quick before he helps me get out of my shirt. I feel his kisses moving it's way down to my navel and arch my back up, moaning.

He gets out of his shirt, revealing his perfectly muscular chest. I bite my lip as my eyes scan his half naked figure. I feel my irregular heartbeat as his hands slide my pants off my legs. I lift myself up and kiss him softly--something I would have never done if he didn't tell me the reason for his getting-touched-fear. But somehow, we bonded. Bonded in a way, I didn't think was possible. He returns my kids and our tongues start to battle. I hear him opening his jeans, while our lips are still touching. His lips leave mine, so he can get out of his jeans. Gosh, he's fucking hot!

I lick my lips as I get to see Richard Faulkerson once more wearing only an Armani boxer. This is it, Maine. This is the man of your dreams. The only one for you.

He smiles back at me, "What?"

I shake my head, "Nothing."

"You sure?" He ask me as he gets on the bed, "I mean if you don't want to....."

I smile slightly, "Do I look like I am not willing to have sex with you right now, Richard?" I ask him back, "I'm sitting here in my underwear, my pulse is at it's best and my mind....Well my mind can't wait to be back in paradise."

"Good. Because I don't think I could beat a rejection right now." He says before he kisses me passionately again, letting me feel his erection against my pelvis.

I pull back, "But I....."

"But you what?" He ask me softly, putting a strand of my hair behind my ear.

"I'd like to touch you, Richard. Feel you. Not only, you know, feel you..." I explain a little helplessly.

He kisses me softly, giving me no answer. I return his soft kiss and he let go of my lips. I can smell him, I inhale the perfect mixture of expensive shower gel and sweat. The familiar pull is there, all my synapses goading me towards him. He places his forehead against mine and locks eyes with me. I want to touch him. His heat is warming my skin. He stares me back at me for a second before he kisses me passionately, his hands caressing my cheeks. I return his kiss and let my body fall on the soft bed. I moan as he kisses his way down my body, stopping at my panties. "Oh God....." I moan as I feel the heat rising in me once more. He's an artist. A magic-man.

"You have no idea what you're doing with me, Maine." He says to me as I feel his hands removing my panties.

If it's anywhere near close to what he's doing with me then I still have hope for us to be an is. Without seven other us's.

I kiss him passionately as my hands remove his boxers from his muscular body. I feel his erection on my naked pelvis as we continue kissing and we fall back on the bed.

I groan as he enters me.

He gasps, a strangled moan as he start to move in and out faster.

I feel my orgasm rising right away, building with every second he is inside me, filling me up like it's suppose to be.

"You're a god......" I say in a breathless voice as he speeds up.

"You 're amazing." His voice mixes up with the loud pulsate in my ears. All my senses are alive. All my nerves just waiting for him to perform one last movement. I'm ready. From the first nerve in my fingers to my spine, I feel him everywhere. I'm on fire.

And then the most amazing rush ever. A feeling so good, it's indescribable. A feeling so rare, 'be felt only with my first love. A feel so intense, I'd give anything to have it again. A rush of adrenaline and my mind is in paradise. Every single muscle down there contracts and releases pleasure, sending me into heaven. But for the first time, it's not only me who reach climax. This time he reach the climax with me, crying out my favorite nickname before he collapses, his full weight pressing me into the soft mattress.

He pulls out of me, kissing my nose and rolls over next to me.

For minutes, neither of us talk - we both have to catch our breaths.

"We just reach the climax at the same time." I hear Richard's voice ringing in my ears.

I can't talk, I can't think. All I can do is smile at him. So I show him the most satisfied smile on my lips.

He returns my smile and kisses me softly. "You're an amazing woman, Maine."

"You are not so bad either." I say as I catch my breath. "I have no idea how you do it, but you bring sex in a whole new level."

He smiles satisfied at me before he kisses me passionately, "Well I hope you're ready for another round then, Miss Mendoza"

I lose my eyes as i feel his kisses on my neck, ready for another trip to paradise...

hope you guys love it😊

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