SOF: Chapter 61

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I........I met her."



"She.......She came up to me on the street. She wore a fur coat. She looked like a zombie. She looked so....... Lost. Like a drug addict who's on detox."

"What exactly did she say to you?"

"What do you have that I don't? That's what she said. Nothing more and nothing less." She turned around and walked away from me.

"Why didn't you tell me?!"

I shrugg and feel his hands letting go of me. No, don't let go of me! "I didn't think it was important."

"Important?!" his eyes shoot a dark look at me as one hand already dials a number. Is it Nick's? Or Jimmy's? "She talked to Maine.....Yes..... I want Jan to do the night shift in the penthouse." he says into the phone before he hangs up.

"Richard, I didn't know that she's the one who's after me."

He doesn't say anything. he just points down the hallway, signalizing me that I should go into the bedroom.

"Won't you come?" I ask him halfway, giving into his demands. This time.

He shakes his head. "I have to make sure you're--"

"That's Jan's job, isn't it?" I ask him, holding out my hand. "Come on. I can only sleep with you by my side."

He closes his eyes, putting on his poker face. "Fine." he breaths out before the elevator doors glide open. Jan steps out.

"Make yourself at home, but don't lose focus, Jan." Richard says to him as he walks over to me.

"Good night , Miss Mendoza." Jan says to me.

I smile at him, "Good night." I say, walking hand in hand into the bedroom.

Gosh, his hands make me go crazy! Just one touch from him awakes my senses....My senses which need satisfaction so badly.

"On a scale from one to ten, how much in danger am I?" I ask Richard as soon as we're in the bedroom,

"Two hundred." he says, closing the double swing doors. His body is tensed. Why can't he just relax for a minute.


"Because she could come inside very easily." he explains to me as I change in the walk-in closet.

"Why?" I ask him as I slowly get out of my jeans.

He takes a deep breath in. It's working. "She has been here. Once."

I raise an eyebrow at him. "Was she...Was she more than just a contract to you?" I slowly ask him as I get out of my shirt and bra.

He shakes his head, his eyes focused on my naked chest. "Of course not. But she's the oldest relationship, I guess. Sasha wanted to meet her. Evaluate on her, I guess." he explains getting out of his clothes.

"Did she get green light?" I ask him smiling as I eyeball him. Gosh, how can a man be so sexy? I should be absolutely prohibited to look so sexy!

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