SOF: Chapter 40

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"Are you expecting anyone?"


"Richard?" I hear Valerie's voice asking.

OH crap. This is going to be intense.....

"What the fuck are you doing here?!" Richard yells as he walks down the glass hallway.

She stops in the middle of the hallway. "I'm here to apologize."

"Go to Hell!" he says back to her, but this time he's not yelling.

"Richard, please. There's a reason for why I overreacted that evening."

"I don't want to hear it."

"Maybe you should." I say to him as I walk over to him.

His head turns around, his eyes are black - He's furious. "Oh, so now you're on her side?!"

"I think you should at least let her explain. Give her a chance, Richard."

He brushes through his hair and sighs, "Fine, But you better have a freaking good explanation, Valerie."

"I do." she says as she walks passed him. She smiles at me softly as she passed me and get seated in the dinning area.

"Go ahead. I'm all ears." he says, getting seated across to her.

I feel a little.... Out of place. "I'll leave you guys alone, then."

"No!" he says, grabbing my wrist.

Fine. I get seated next to him.

"There's no easy way to explain this, so I'm just going to say it: I'm sick. Mentally."

He look at her confused and shocked at the same time. "What......what do you mean?"

"I'm Bipolar."


"That evening, I ran out of my meds, which was the reason why I was in New York City. My doctor- Shepherd- prescribed me a stronger medication."

"But why didn't-"

"They all knew. Meredith knew, Adam knew.....Patricia knew as well, I assume. Mark knew it as soon as my mood changed so rapidly."

"But why didn't you tell me then?"

"I didn't want you to worry. I am fine. At least when I take meds."

"When did you find out?"

In Paris. Nearly a year ago. But I'm fine. All good."

He brushes his dark blonde hair and sighs, "I don't know what to say, Val. You should have told me earlier!You had more than one opportunity to tell!"

She nodds, "I know. But I couldn't tell you. We're as close as it can be. When I'm with you, I myself. You make me feel safe. I didn't want to look at me like you are now."

"Like what?"

"A look filled with pity. I don't need pity from you. I need you to treat me like I'm normal."

"You're bipolar."

She fakes laugh, "Like I don't know that."

"So, what do you expect from me now?! Act all normal, like nothing ever happened?"


"Look, I don't care if you're sick or not, Val. But what you did and said was.....Way below the belt."

She nodds. "I know."

"You should apologize to Maine as well."

"Oh she already did." I say and smile at her.

His eyes shoot a look at me, "What?!"

"We met three weeks ago for lunch. I wanted to explain it to her first."

"Why, because you didn't think I would....?!" he stops and rises from the chair. "You guys are unbelievable. You!" he says to me, "could have told me."


"And you," he says looking at Valerie. "should talk to me first."

She nodds, "I know. And I'm sorry."

He sighs, "I'll accept your apology. But I'm still going to have a bone pick with you, Nicomaine."

I gulp, He never called me in my whole name. what does he mean by that?!

"That's my cue to go. " Valerie says and gets up. "Good Luck." she whispers into my ear as she passes me.

"I'll escort you to the elevator." Richard says and walk away with Valerie.

"See you tomorrow evening, Richard." I hear Valerie says goodbye. Then the elevator door close again.

I'm still going to have a bone pick with you, Nicomaine. SHIT. What does this mean? Did I break any rule? Am I going to be punished now?!

"MISS MENDOZA.......?!"

hmmmmm.. i smell trouble.....

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