SOF Chapter 35

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He returns my grin before he places his hand around my waist, making me feel a soft chill going through my veins. " Very seducing, Miss Mendoza. But how about option number four?" 

OPTION NUMBER FOUR???(Conversation part 1)

I don't have option number four. "And that would be?"

"You and me in front of the open fireplace with a delicious red wine." he explains to me.

I stare at him confused for a second. A fireplace with wine????No....SEX?! God!, Irina must have really satisfied him. Oh now I hate her even more! Fucking bitch!

"You said you wanted to get to know me a little more. Here's your chance. What do you say?"

Wow! I didn't expect this. I nod. "But I'm going to change then...." I explain as i pass him.

I feel his eyes on my back as I leave the living area.

"Miss Mendoza?"

I turn around, "Yes?"

"Won't you show me what you're covering with the night gown?"

I smile at him, "One day you'll see. Until then, No!"

He return my smile, I'll get the wine then."

As I change into more comfortable clothes, I can't help but wonder why he has changed so much out of the sudden. Maybe something happened in Russia. Perhaps it did. He's still a mystery to me. He will always be a mystery to me.

With a comfortable jeans and a plain white shirt. I walk back into the living room. He has lightened the candles around the open fireplace and soft classic music is playing. But where is he?

"Richard?" I ask into the empty living room.

He walks out of the open kitchen, holding up two bottles of wine, "The 1988 Petrus Pomerol or the 1997 Romancée-Conti? Your choice."

I answer with a shrug.

"The first is a Merlot, the other one a French Burgundy." he explains as if this kind of information is helpful for me- someone who has no clue about wines.

"Richard," I start.

"The Burgundy it is," he chooses and opens the other, older looking bottle with a glamorous gesture before he pours in the wine into two crystal glasses. It's a deep red color. a nice red.

With two glasses in his hands, he walks over to me to hand me a glass.

"You should get informed about wines."

"Maybe....Or you will continue choosing the wine we're drinking." I say and take a sip of the wine, "Because you're excellent at it."

He doesn't response, instead he get seated on the comfortable couch. Even in an unbuttoned white oxford shirt and dark blue jeans, he still looks sexy. There is no outfit which doesn't fit him-doesn't make him look irresistible.

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