SOF: Chapter 49

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"I'll take care of you"

previous chapter:

"A COMA?!"

to be continue:

"A COMA?!" It didn't feel like I've slept for long. "H-How long have i been in the coma?" I ask him slowly, unsure if i really wan to hear the answer.

"Sixteen Weeks." he answer in a cold voice.

More than three months. Nearly four. "Wow....That's a lot... I missed the whole season."

"Yes. You were in a coma whole Autumn long."

"That sucks, because I love Autumn." I say and he chuckles.

"Gosh, how much I've missed your voice, Maine." he says to me, grinning.

I return his grin, "I missed you too." I say as he takes and laces his fingers with mine before he kisses my knuckles.

"You have no idea how fucking scared I was to lose you. We all were."

I smile at him, "I'm sorry for ruining your birthday night by the way."

He looks at me like I am out of place, "Don't apologize. You did nothing wrong. If you want to give someone the fault, then give it to the idiotic driver who hit you. It's not your fault, you hear me?"

I nodd, "Still I wish I weren't such a burden to you."

He smiles at me softly, before he rest his forehead against mine. "Taking care of you is not a burden. Being in the same room with you is not a burden. If anything , it's a relief. A relief because I know where you are. A relief because I know you're okay, or somewhat okay."

"I am glad to hear that I'm not a burden to you." I say and smile a little to him.

"You could never be a burden to me, Maine." he say in a strict voice into my eyes. "I've missed you so much that it hurt." he whispers into my ears before he kisses my cheek.

I close my eyes, enjoying being so close to him again. I open my eyes again and look directly into his eyes. Gosh, if only I could once read his eyes. If only once I could really see how he is feeling.

"Did the doctors say anything to you?" i ask him, destroying the silence between us.

He shakes his head, "They are not allowed to." all they could tell me was that the surgery went well. You had some internal bleeding and your liver got damaged a little bit, but that would heal by itself. You also have several broken ribs, which explains your pain in your chest."

"Who operated me?"

"Doctor Morgan."

"Is this the hospital your mother is working at?"

He nodds.

"Did your mother tell you anything about my health condition?"

"She only said that you should be the one to tell me. I have no idea by that and it drives me crazy-- for sixteen weeks now."

I nods and smile at him softly.

I sigh and brush my hair, feeling the pain in my chest. There is no easy way to say this.

"I'm a former leukemia patient, Richard."

"Cancer?!" He ask me worried.

"But you-"

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