SOF: Chapter 84

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That fucking bitch! How could she do that?!" Patricia said in an angry tone.

 "I mean, that's... But then again, he should have thought that his lifestyle would create some fucked up women. That is... Damn it, you really seem to have bad luck these days."

A knock at the door interrupts my story. I was at the end anyways.

Samuel walks in, "There are some photographers waiting for us... They want to take pictures of the whole family. You guys are missing. The most important part." he said grinning.

"Oh if only you knew how important those parts are." she says looking at me.

I blush and hit her slightly, "Just give us one more second. We'll be right there, okay?"

He nodded, "A minute not more. Or Richard is going to get you guys out of here and he won't be so sweet..." he says before he closes the door from outside again.

"Not a word, Patty. To no one. Everything I told you in this house won't leave it, alright?"

She nodded at me, "I promise."


"But a Faulkerson baby! Ah! This is so amazing!" she says hugging me again.

"Keep your mouth shut, best friend." I say before I open my door.

"I won't say a word..." she says grinning as we walk out of the house.

The party is still going like there's no tomorrow. As we make our way through the crowd, we pass several rich people. Surgeons, lawyers, designers, musicians, politicians... Socialiates. You name it, and this person is here. Everyone worth knowing is at the party. Everyone who has any power in the world is at the party. Really everyone.

"Finally!" Valerie said as we reached the Faullerson/Sloane/Grey family. "We've waited an eternity for you two! What have you been doing there for two hours?!"

Two hours? We must have lost track of time. "I haven't seen my best friend for exactly seven weeks, so excuse me Valerie if we needed to catch up." Patricia  hisses at her, rolling her eyes.

Valerie shuts her mouth right away.

Yeah, that's the Patricia I know. I grin as I walk over to Richard.

"You told her?" he asks me in a whisper.

"Of course I did." I say back and smile as I see Mark and Meredith. They seem in love. Or at least they act very well. How can Meredith betray Mark? They seem so perfect for each other. "Promise me you will never betray me."


"Say it."

"I will never betray you." he promises me.

"Good." I say and see all the photographers making it's way over to us.

"Doctor Grey, could we take a picture of you and the family?"

"Of course." the  doctor says smiling. "Let's get all together, guys." she says grinning. Yeah, a mother who is really proud of her family.

We all get together and smile into the flashing lights. If only they knew that they really would get a family picture. A picture of two families actually. The Faulkerson/Sloane/Grey family and the Faulkerson/Mendoza family. Gosh, they will freak out when we tell them!

"Thank you. And congratulations Mr. Faulkerson and Miss Mendoza on the engagement."

"Thank you." we both say at the same time.

As soon as the word engagement leaves the photographer's mouth, all eyes turn to us. About twenty photographers stormed over to us within a second, all wanting to take a picture of the new it-couple of New Yorker's society. 

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