SOF: Chapter 55

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I unlock the front door of my apartment, before I open the door.

Patricia is sitting in the living room, watching t.v.. I smile at her softly before I kick the door close.

"What are you watching?" I ask her as I throw myself on the couch next to her.

"What to expect When you're expecting."

"Is it good?"

"Ice cream?" she ask me.

"Why are you eating ice cream, Patty? You usually don't eat ice cream."

She just shrugg, "I'm getting married in two days. I think I'm allowed to eat ice cream now. It's not like I will get hyper belly fat from a little ice cream. I worked my butt off to have this figure. I earned this ice cream tonight." she says to me before she puts a spoon with ice cream into her mouth. "Why are you here? It's in the middle of the night. You should be sleeping."

"I could say the same to you."

"I'm way too nervous to get any sleep."

"You think you'll be able to sleep tomorrow night?"

"If not I'm going to take some kind of sleeping pills." she jokes and I laugh a little. "Shouldn't you be at Richard's?"

"Ah well... It doesn't really work out with us."


I shrugg.

"There's gotta be a reason, Maine. You just don't break up."

I sigh. the reason is his poylamoristic side. The reasons are his seven relationships. Former eight. But I can't tell her that. I can't inform her about his....His dark and twisted side. I bite my lip.

"Nicomaine Mendoza, you can tell me anything. I was the first student who got informed about your former leukemia. I can take a lot, you know." she says to me with worried eyes.

I shake my head, "I can't tell you."


Because I signed a confidentiality agreement. I look up at her. Should I tell her?

"I won't tell anyone. Not even Adam. we still have our secrets, you know?"

I smile, "He doesn't know that you snore?"

"Oh no, he quickly figured that one out. But he still doesn't know that I am a shoe maniac, with more than 500 pairs of shoes. Only the high heels."

I grin at her, "I'm sure he'll love every single shoe."

She shruggs, "He better be, coz I won't throw them away."

I hug her, "I'm glad you're my best friend."

"Me too. But what's wrong? What was really happened between you and Richard?"

I sigh. "If I tell you, you're not allowo tell it to anyone. No one."

She nodds, "No one will know but you and me........And Richard."

"Yeah, I really hope he won't find out that I'm telling you what I'm about to tell you."

"Gosh, this is getting exciting!" she says and claps her hands.

I sigh and open my mouth but ringing the bell interrupts me.

"Stupid bell..." Patricia mumbles, before she gets up. "I'll get it. Don't forget what you were about to tell me, Maine!" she says before she opens the door.

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