SOF: Chapter 58

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As I walk back into the ballroom, I can already hear Patricia saying something to the guests.

"Alright, my ladies, it's time for me to throw the bouquet since it's almost midnight." she says into the mic as I get seated. "So every unmarried woman should walk on the dance floor and try her luck by catching this beautiful bouquet!" she says grinning.

More than thirty women get up from their chairs and walk on the dance floor. I decide to stay where I am, I'm not in the mood to catch a stupid bouquet.

Patricia is all smiling as she makes her way to the dance floor, but she stops as she passes me. "Hey are you okay?"

I nodd and fake a huge smile, "all good."

She smiles, "I know you're not okay right now, but I'm going to buy it. Get your ass up and try to catch these beautiful flowers."

I shake my head, "I'm really not in the mood...."

"Fine." she says before she reaches the dance floor 

"Okay, ladies are you ready?" she asks the unmarried women smiling. "One, two, three!" she yells as she throws the bouquet in the air.

My eyes focus on him walking back, at the same time as the bouquet is jumping up and down, getting  thrown further away by each pair of hands which try to hold on to it.

His face has not changed, he's still wearing his best poker face. He seems happy from outside. Only his eyes give me he hint of how much I must've hurt him every once in a while. Why does love has to be so complicated?!

As he get seated, I see the bouquet flying  in his direction. I catch it with one hand, so it doesn't hit him.

He looks at me surprised before his lips form a tiny smile.

I don't return it. I sigh, damn it why did I have to catch these stupid flowers?!

"Oh, Maine caught it!" Patricia says into the mic, making all heads turn towards me. 399 pairs of eyes, actually. I gulp.

I fake another smile and hold up the bouquet, "Couldn't resist. Such nice flowers!" I say in a loud voice, making everyone laugh.


I'm playing with my piece of the wedding cake as everyone is eating their chosen piece of cake. I'm not hungry. But the cake really did look delicious as a whole before Adam and Patricia cut it.

I feel his eyes on me every now and then. His eyes burn it's way under my skin. I feel my senses awaking every single time his eyes look at me. I don't return those looks. I can't. it's clear to me that he's trying but I....I can't be with him when he has four other relationships. It doesn't matter if it's four or seven. It doesn't change anything. At least not for me. Because he doesn't choose me. He chooses them instead.

"Maine?" I hear a voice saying my name.

I look up into bright green eyes. Kevin. "Hi." I say and smile a little.

"As I can see your piece of cake hasn't really made it's way into your stomach. It kind of looks like a bomb hit it."

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