SOF: Chapter 79

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"Where would you like to get married?" He asks me, while I am still trying to regain my strength. God, who knew sex with Richard Faulkerson could be so good and so exhausting at the same time?


"What about Vegas?"


"Miss Mendoza, are you really not capable of forming a whole sentence right now?"


He grins at me, "Pregnancy is really bad for your physical shape."

I hit him lightly, "Shut up. My shape is fine. I am fit."

He look at me, "Mhm..."

"You're so Unfair! I haven't gains anu unnecessary pounds. Yet at least."

He raises an eyebrow at me but doesn't said anything.

"I don't think Vegas would be such a good option. A wedding should be always classy."

"Classy?" he asks me surprised.

"But not pompous. Patricia's wedding with your brother was pompous enough."

He chuckles, "Yeah, I agree with that... Speaking of Patricia, have you told her about the bun in the oven?"

"I prefer little horserace." I correct him grinning. "And no, I haven't. We haven't stayed in contact. I thought she could have at least the weeks alone with her husband. What about you?"

"i gave you my word. I won't tell anyone before the 15 weeks."

I nodd, "Good."

"Good." he echoes me, before his soft lips find mine. "Where do you want it to be?"

I shrug, "Somewhere with a view over the ocean would be nice. The ocean sound is calming.."

He smiles softly at me. It's dreamy smile... A wonderful smile.


"I want the same?"

"Good." I say returning his smile. "But not huge. A small wedding."

"Define small."

I shrug, "Your family, my family...Your closest friends, my closest friend... 100 not more."

"You think we can narrow it down so far?"

I shrug, "Maybe I don't want it to be huge. I mean, we could go married with just a bridesmaid and a best man. I wouldn't mind."

"Mhm, I know... I wouldn't mind as well."

"But there's your mom and my mom and Ray and Carlos and....The list goes on."

He sighs.. "I know... Maybe we could do both."

"A wedding for us and a wedding for the rest?" I ask him, raising an eyebrow.

"I mean, why not?"

I bite on my lip. "No, we can't do that. One wedding. One classy wedding for everyone."

"And when?"

"Anytime before I start getting fat please. I may be down to earth, but even I would like to look the best I can on my wedding day."

He grins, "So you're a fashionista after all...."


He shrugs, "You know-"

"I know what a fashionista is. I just..." I'm silent. A comment I did not expect from Richard Faulkerson. Even now, he can still surprise me. Will that ever stop? Hopefully not.

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