SOFChapter 2

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Patricia and I live in a two storied apartment near the Hale Campus. Her parents brought it for Patricia  as a gift. I'm lucky, I nearly don't have to pay any rent for almost four years now. She is just like Mr. Faulkerson very wealthy. I just hope I can, for once, go to bed without the famous Patricia- inquisition .
"Meng! There you are again!" She says smilling in her pink pjama. She was studying in the living room for her final exam. "I was worrying. I thought you'd come back earlier."
"The interview was a little longer than I expected." I say, holding up the recorder.
"Maine thank you very much." she says smiling." She says smilling "I really owe you one. And how is he?"
"I'm happy that it is over. I need to study. He was really intimitading.and arrogant.And young."
Patricia looks at me suprised.
"Don't act like this. You should have given me some kind of CV." I say to her, "I felt like such an idiot,Patty.
" Oh boy, geez, I'm so sorry Meng! I totally forgot it."
I look at her angry, "He was polite, objective....He seems older than he is. How old is he?"
"25." She says smilling. "Give me the recorder, I'll do the rest."
"You look better than this morning. Did you eat the soupe?"
"Yes and it was delicious."
I nodd, "I'm gonna go shower then." I need to cool off from the earlier.
As I return from the shower I see Patricia typing something into her computer. "Great material Meng." She says once she notices me. "I can't believe you didn't take his offer to show you around. Obviously he wanted to spend more time with you." She looks at me wondering.
My face turn red, but thank God she's way too focused on her work than to notice my face.
"Now I get what you meant by objective. Did you make any notes."
"Uhmm... No?"
"It doesn't matter, I'm still gonna make it great article out of it. Sadly, we couldn't make any photos.  He 's quite attractive, huh?"
" I think so."
"Oh Meng, even you're not immune."
"You could have gotten way more information out of him than me." she says as I walk to the kitchen. "What do you really think of him?"
"He 's arrogant, self confident, mysterious and very charismatic. I understand why people are so fascinated about him."
She raises an eyebrow, "You and fascinated by a man? That's news."
"Why did you want to know if he's a gay?"
"Because the pictures of him I saw were......There wasn't a woman by his side. He doesn't show himself with women in public. To social occasions he's always coming alone.
"It was such an embarrassing situation." I growl at her.
"Meng , it doesn't seem  like it was so bad. He seems into you."
"Into Me?" That's absurb. I shake my head as I open the cupboard  to get out  of the cup. "You want a tea as well?"
She shakes her head, "No. I'm gonna go to bed. I need sleep.
I nodd, "That sounds like a good plan." At least you can use the last hours of today to study, my subconcious says. I agree. I need to study for my exam.
The rest of the week  I study and work at Cycle coffeeshop. Unlike Patricia, I can't afford to studying at Hale just like that. I have a scholorship and I'm thankful for it, because I couldn't in the world ever afford studying at Hale. In order to pay the rent. I work at Cycle's coffeeshop since four years now.
Somehow this little coffeeshop has made it's way into my heart. I will miss it.
"Hey Meng!" I hear Joes's greeting me as I enter the shop, "Ready to shift?"
I nodd as I walk behind the counter, "Yup."
" Is Lauren here as well?"
"Yeah, in the kitchen." he says smilling. "Have a nice day."
"You as well Joe." I say as I watch him leaving the shop, which suprisingly empty for this time in the morning. Usually at eight till nine, the coffeeeshop is overfilled. Then I remmeber that it's Saturday and I smile. Yeah all students are still sleeping from last night. I brush through y hair as I walk to the kitchen. Lauren is cleaning the cups and she looks at me smilling. "Well, well, I missed ya on Monday." she says with a grin on her lips. "How was the interview, Miss Mendoza?"
Miss Mendoza. It sounded way better coming from his mouth.
"Embarrassing, because Patricia wanted to know if he's a gay or not." And intimidating because I knew absolutely nothing about this and he seemed to be Mr. Know it All" I explained, " You need any help?"
"Is no one in the coffeeshop?"
I shake my head again, this time a smile of satisfaction. "Good. I had my fun. Why didn't you come?"
" I studied but Patricia went though. We were having breakfast with another guy this morning."
"Oh" she says, "Who was your interview with?"
"Mr. Richard Faulkerson."
"Shut up!" The Richard Faulkerson?" she asked me shocked. "Please tell me he's ,not a gay?"
"He isn't."
"Good, that would be such a shame." she says and we both giggle.
Then I hear a couple  of people entering the coffeeshop. "I should take orders." "See you." She nodds before I leave the kicthen again.
The coffeeshop is filled with students, all wanting their coffee to wake up properly. I take the orders , one by one, and make their coffee'. Every student looks sleepy, all not ready to study for their finale exams. My subconciousness smiles satisfied, at least I learned yesterday.
As soon as all students are served for the morning, the coffeeshop empties. Smilling I take out a book by a famous author and start to read it in the right corner behind the counter. No one is going to enter this coffeeshop till noon. That's why I love working here. Take the morning shift and you have two hours to actual work. The rest you could spend studying or reading a good book. It was the perfect place for me. The only place I fit in.
I hear someone clearingnhus throat and I look up from my book. My eyes widen as I recognize this person. What is he doing here? I close the book and wqalk over the counter. "Mr. Faulkerson." I sayt, sill amazed.
"Miss Mndoza." h smiles at me. A soft smile. Gosh his lips!
I shake my head, "What are you doing here?"
"I want a cup of coffee." he says casually. Of course he's not here because of you, stupid. My subconciousness says, rolling her eyes.
"Of course." I say, my face turns red..
He handed me the money "Keep the cash."
"Thank you." I say as I start to make his coffee.
"How's the article going?" he ask me casually.
"Good. Patricia..Miss Cruz, is done with it."
" That sounds good." he says ashe reaches into the pocket of his jeansto get his wallet. Ws he going to give me more money? Instead he hands me a business card. "She should mail me the article. I'd like to read it before it gets printed."
"Of course." I say taking the card. Our hands touch for a second and I feel electricity running through my veins once more. AMAZING.
"Meng, can you --" Lauren walks out the kitchen her hands covered with foam. As she notices Mr. Faulkerson she stops talking and her face turns red in an instance. "Nevermind." ehe says, walking back into the kitchen.
"A colleague you have there, Miss Mendoza."
"Yes." I agree with m and place his coffee on the counter.
"Have a nice day, Miss Mendoza." he says smilling as he picks the coffee.
"Likewise, Mr. Faulkerson." I say, my eyes follow his moves. He walks so elegant. Unlike me, he doesn't jump at people ruin their leather shoes. Their expensive leather shoes.
I sigh as I watch him leaving the coffeeshop. He's undescribable.
"Is he gone?" I hear Lauren's unsure voice from the kitchen.
"Oh god, that was so embarrassing." Lauren says,mher hands covering her face, "And he's so hot! Unbelievable hot! He is hotter in person. I mean.... Damn it, why can't we be Cinderella?"
I smile at her, "Because this ain'tt a fairytale and he isn't a prince."
" But he's wealthy. Unlike Barbie like or Super Hot Model we are not wealthy. We have to work to pay our rents. " Lauren says and I know exactly what she means.
"By the way, How's this rico guy. It's obvious that he's into you?" she ask.
"He's fine..but I'm not into him. And he knows it. He's like a brother to me."
"What was Richard Faulkerson doing here anyways?"
" I don't know."
" I bet he wanted to see you again. You've gotten under his skin."
"Nah , I don't think so." I say casually, although I rather wanted it to be true.
After my shift I walk back to my apartment. The thirty minute walk gives me enough time to overthink everything that has happened. Why is he here? He should be in the New York. He should be working. Perhaps he was doing something for Hale. Yeah, that should be it, my subconciousness agrees with me. My ringing phone rips memout of my daydreams. I look at the display and smile, "Hi Rico."
" Maine, Patricia is driving me insane here!" he says helplessly.
"He doesn't want to cooperate!" i hear Patricia yelling.
"You know that I love you, but I can't do that!" Rico answer her, "You need to get home. Right away."
"What's wrong?" I ask as I cross the street.
"Oh give me that!" I hear Patricia's voice,
"Maine, Rico is unbelievable! He can't even carry a simple table into the moving truck."
Truck?" I thought we are not gonna move until we wrote our past exams." I say suprised, crossing another street.
"Yeah but, we should already begin packing. Our exams are like one week away and I really want to get out of here. Besides, we both know that -----" I scream as I geel arms around my waistulling me back. In a millisecond later I see driving passing me. The driver mumbles something which sounds like bitch to me as he pushes down the gas pedal. The phone crashes pn the street and breaks into thousand piesces. I feel his strong arms still around my waist as my breath slowly calms down. His perfect body is pressed slightly against mine. What a feeling.
"Are you okay, Miss Mendoza?" he asks me. I look into his eyes.
I nodd, unable to answer properly. His arms let me go. NO! My inner goddess protests.
"You should be more carefull." he warns me.
I nodd again, "I keep that in mind, Mr. Faulkerson." I say, still amazed by his eyes. "And Thanks." I add, being just as polite as he is.
He looks down beside me and my glance follows. Such much to my phone. It wasn't  as lucky as me.
"Collateral damage." I say casually.
he looks at me and for a moment everything around us disappears. There's only him and me innthe world. Kiss Me, my inner goddess begs. Kiss me! She demands. But he doesn't move Not an inch. He just stares at me. And I stare back.
His ringing phone interrupts the comfortable silence. He looks at the display and I can see relief in his eyes. Was I so horrible? Then his eyes look up at me again, "Have a nice day, Miss Mendoza."
I nodd as I watch him walking away from me, just as elegent as earlier in the coffeeshop. Wow.
It took me the whole twenty minute walk to digest his rejection. He had the chance to kiss me and he didn't do it. Guess he's not into you, my subconscouisness says to me. I roll my eyes, although I know she 's right.
I open the door to the apartment, getting greeted by four worried eyes.
"Where have you been?"
"Did something happen?"
" Are you okay?"
"Shall we drive you to the hospital?"
"Did someone kidnap you?"
" I heard you scream." Patricia finishes the inquisition.
Sighing I close the door. "I am fine. I didn't get kidnapped and I don't need a doctor." I explained, taking my shoes of.
Because his strong arms suprised me. Especially when they touched my waist. " I.....I nearly had an accident, I guess." I say, walking over to them.
" What kind of accident?"
"And what do you mean by nearly." Rico asks me skeptically.
"While we were talking I was on my way home. I crossed several streets withoutchecking. And I screamed because arms pulled me away from the street. A millisecond later a car appeared. I would be dead without those arms."
"Whose arms." Rico asks me confused.
" His arms." Patricia says dreamy, "Faulkerson's arms! Aw.. He saved you!"
I rol my eyes, "Kind of."
" Richard Faulkerson?" Rico asks shocked. " He's here? "
" Of course stupid." Patricia says rolling her eyes, " You know someone else called Richard Faulkerson? I don't"
"That's the one you had an interview with, right?"
I nodd "Yes"
" You guys know that he supports Hale by giving each faculty about  3 Million each year, right?"
Wow. I didn't know that. Damn it. this man is really wealthy!
" Now I know." I add casual.
"And what?"
"What happen then?" Patricia asks me.
" He didn't kiss me, if that's your actual question." I answer it, a little dissapointed.
"But he's into you! I know it! I heard it. Patricia says, sadness in her eyes.
" He's not into me. What you hear and what you see are two different things. Especially when you're talking  about Richard Faulkerson." I say, remembering the business card. I get it out of my purse and hand it to her. "His business card."
"You have his number? His personal number?" Rico asks me.
"You should mail him the article. He would like to read it."
"Did you ask him about the pictures?" Patricia asks me.
" I thought it was a joke."
" That adonis ? No definitely no. Rico can take the pictures of him." she suggest.
" I photographed views and things., but not human beings." he says dryly. He is so talented.
Patricia rolls her eyes.. " They are all the same...please Rico...
" Fine, I'll do it." Rico gives in. " Only for you two."
"Admit it you want to meet him as well." Patricia says grinning.. Another triumph for her..
"Of course. Who doesn't want to meet Richard Faulkerson ?"
What's with the obsession of this man? You are obsessed as well, my inner goddess says to me.
"Call him." Patricia says holding her phone up.
"What ?" You shpuld call him. You're the one who wants the photoshoot." I say to her.
" He doesn't know me. He only knows you. Besides, you really have to see him again."
"Fine" I say as I start typing his number.
He pucks up after the second beep. "Faulkerson."

end of chapter two.
is he going to agree to the photoshoot???? find it out on the next chapter.....
Happy 40th Weeksary ADN!!!.... stolen kiss again..... 😍😍😍😍 oxygen pa ADN


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