SOF Chapter 13

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The elevator door close and I feel my pulse rising as the elevator starts to move. I close my eyes, trying to not think Richard Faulkerson in swim trunks, his hair is wet and he....The elevator doors open and I walk out. WOW.

It's amazing room with dark grey flagging and white canvas chairs. With wide eyes I slowly walk tot he right, getting greeted by even a fascinating image: Richard Faulkerson in swim trunks. My inner goddess feels how her mouth fills up with water---just like me.

"How nice to see you decided to join me, Miss Mendoza." he greets me with a killer smile.

Don't throw your hands around him, my subconsciousness warns me. I return his smile, although mine isn't as nearly amazing as his smile. "Well I just couldn't resist." I say as I walk closer to him. "Besides, I couldn't dare to not try on the bikini."

"Of which I don't see anything." he says, eyeballing me as I reach him. "But my shirt, really does suited you, Maine" he whispers into my ear.

I blush lightly and feel his fingers removing a hair from my face before placing it behind my ear. "I didn't think you would like The Rolling Stone."

"I have a wide taste of music, I've already told you that." he says to me as I feel his hands around my waist. "Besides, who doesn't like the Rolling Stones?"

I decided to not answer to this question, although I know a couple of people who actually doesn't like them. I smile at him, not wanting this moment to fade away.

I couldn't help but wonder how many women already were in my position. how many women wore this shirt? How many women standing right next to this pool? How... How could a man like him be a polyamorist?

"What's on your mind?" I hear his soft voice slowly ripping me out of my thoughts.

I shake my head and smiled softly, "Nothing." I lie. I don't want to destroy this moment.

He fondles my cheek softly, "You're not a good liar."

I release myself from his embrace and look out of the french windows. I wonder if they can see me as clearly as I can look into the building across this. "Can they look into this building just like we can?" I ask, staring at an office. A man at the age of thirty is working at his desk, staring into space...Or looking directly at me.

"No. The windows are mirrored outside. It's impossible to see what's going on in here from outside." he explains and I nodd. So the man is staring into space. I wonder if he has the same problem as me. Well, probably not since he's not really thinking about starting a relationship with a polyarmist, my subconsciousness says to me.

"What were you thinking of earlier?" I heard his voice behind me. Seconds later I feel his hands on my hips. Gosh, his wonderful hands...

"I don't want to tell you."


"Because I don't want to ruin this moment."

"Does it have something to do with your stay at the hospital?"

I shake my head, "No...."

"Okay." he says, accepting my decision to not tell him. Then I feel his lips on my neck.......

I turn around and stare into his eyes. How can this man be a polyarmist?

I can't read his eyes. He doesn't let me. I wonder if I will ever be able to do so. Would he allow me to read his eyes in the future? I don't know. He's a mystery. Still a huge mystery to me.

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