Monday March 29, 2021

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It's been a while.... I passed out earlier todayyy✌️like as soon as I got home from work, I went to my room and laid down and I was out like a light, being sick really sucks. HAHAHA I JUST REALIZED LANCE PUT SUNDAY INSTEAD OF MONDAY!!!!

Anyway my emotions have been all over the place lately... like I've been sad, mad, happy, worried, emotionless, etc. and it's getting kind of frustrating, I'm at the point where I just don't care anymore and just want to be left alone in my own little world. 👀bunny is still asleep on VC and it's been 6 almost 7 hours now😂😂they woke up for like 10min and then fell asleep again😂😂😂 Things got a little rocky with me and Alex after a serious conversation but that's alright, he knows I'm always here for him, and will listen to him when he needs me.

I've been having chest pains everytime I cough or sneeze and then my head starts hurting as well, but like I already took medicine so there isn't much I can do on this part. Lance hates it when we get sick because it takes a toll on him too, since we share the same body and all. Oh! I told my manager about lance but I told him that he only comes out when I am in emotional distress or some kind of danger so he won't be coming out at work often. I did almost collapse today and if it weren't for lance then I probably would've.

I'm still awake right now because I took a two hour nap earlier and now I can't sleep, I had some ice cream earlier too and it was Dutch Chocolate!!! So yeahhh hahaha anyway, nothing really excited has happened since the last time I wrote I believe, unless I forgot something y'all feel free to remind me😂😂alright that's it for tonight, back to reading I go! ✌️✌️

OMG I FORGOT TO MENTION!!!! MY STRETCH MARKS ARE FADING EVEN MORE AND MY COLLAR BONE IS STARTING TO BE MORE PROMINENT!!!! I haven't checked my weight yet buuuut I'm hoping to soon, 👀I kinda want to see where I'm at if things are looking this way! ALSO I HAVENT WORN SOME PANTS IN OVER A YEAR BECAUSE THEY WERE TOO TIGHT AND LIKE I PUT THEM ON AND OMG THEY FIT BIG!!!! I'm so happy!!!! I want to reach my goal weight soon!!!

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