3 • Goodbye Past, Hello Future.

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Suddenly he was able to doze off quickly with the new source of warmth, being his crush. lol


Dream's eyes slowly open, a fuzzy feeling on his chest and something holding him in place. As he wakes up and acknowledges what is happening, he sees George, sound asleep in front of him, snuggled into the crook of his neck. He couldn't help but blush, immediately looking around to see if the others were awake, also for a way to escape without waking the brunette up.

He sees that the other 3 are asleep, Quackity alone in one bed and of course, Karl and Sapnap cuddling one another. He slowly slipped out of George's grip, his hair brushing gently against George's arm as he slipped his head out and stood up, tip-toeing to the bathroom.

He closed the door, sighing and looking at himself in the mirror. The way his blonde locks drooped just slightly over his eyes, poking out in different directions. His t-shirt slightly wrinkled, partially tucked into the waistband of his sweats. He played around with his hair, fluffing it and running his fingers through strands several times. When it was finally in his likings, he grabbed his toothbrush.


George's eyes fluttered as he woke up from long nights rest, Dream was no where to be found. (dreamnotfound)

George's eyebrows furrowed as he rubbed his eyes, the other were still sleeping. Light seeped through the cracks of the bathroom door along with the red string making its way over and under furniture.

He sat up, swinging his legs over the edge of the bed and stretching his arms out over his head. He went over to the fridge, swinging it open in search for something to settle down the thunder in his stomach. He grabbed the carton of milk and a box of cereal, putting in the cereal FIRST and the milk last. Topping it with slices of fresh bananas and a spoon.

A blonde came into figure, seen in the corner of his eye. "Oh— Hey George, you're up?"

"No I'm not up."


George scoffed, looking at Dream and patting the seat next to him. He walked over, taking a seat next to George and staring at his cereal.

"You'll either get your own or grab your own spoon." George took a spoonful into his mouth.

Dream rolled his eyes and dragged himself over to the drawer, grabbing a spoon, dramatically clinking it against the other spoons. George shushed him, pointing at the others who were still fast asleep.

He placed his spoon in George's bowl, taking some into his mouth. His nose scrunched up, "You put fucking bananas in your cereal?"

"You don't?"

Dream shook his head and took another spoonful without a banana. "Gross."

"It is not gross!" George raised his voice a little, Karl flipping over onto his side, Sapnap's arm still around his waist.

Dream placed a finger on George's lips, "Shh.."

George blushed, swatting his hand away.


Few more bites later and the bowl was empty, a fee more drops of milk left. George and Dream's hands wrapped around the side of the bowl, tugging as they both wanted to drink the rest.

"It's mine! I took it out of the fridge!"

"Oh yeah? Well I bought the milk with my own money!" Dream fought back.

Sapnap groaned, shoving the pillow in his face to block out the noise. "Will you to shut up? Karl is sleeping!"

"Oh hey Sapnap, start packing." Dream plopped a luggage down by his bed.

"Wha— I just woke up!" Sapnap threw his arms up, waking up Karl.

"Mmm.." Karl murmured, slowly opening his eyes.

Sapnap played with Karl's hair, "Go back to sleep.." He whispered.

"No" Dream dragged them both out of bed by their arms, "You were the ones who wanted to start a band now you have to lead the way."

"Which means you have to be up earlier than others!" George added on, standing by Dream's side. Sapnap laughed, the height difference not even being as drastic as the blonde illustrated it.


Few hours of deeply planning things out, Quackity was up by now. They made a plan B just to be safe in case things went downhill. They were now shoving things here and there into luggages, sounds of zippers zipping (lol) filling the room. Deep breaths in and out as they threw the heavy luggages to a corner of the room.

Soon, their dorm was empty. 5 messy beds along with torn up furniture from previous students. They stood side by side, looking around at the room and then at each other. Though Dream was looking down at his phone screen, the bright light illuminating off his face.


"I got us a hotel room while we are trying to figure out how we will actually uh— start a band?" He scratched the back of his neck.

Karl gave him an awkward thumbs up, picking up his luggage and walking out to the car with Sap and Quackity.

Dream and George went up to the house office, turning in their key and discussing more things before saying their final goodbyes. They waved and went on their way to the car.

Sapnap was storing their luggages and backpacks into the trunk, slamming it shut and getting into the backseat with Karl and Quackity. Dream got into the drivers seat and adjusted it a bit.

"God, Sapnap, you are actually so short I had to adjust the seat so much."

Sapnap kicked the back of seat, "I am not short!" He looked over at Quackity.

"Don't bring me into this!" He shot his hands up to either side of his head, defending himself.

Dream put the keys in the ignition, leaving the parking lot, quickly glancing at the building. He's always wanted to start a new life, run away with his closest friends and move to another state. Forget all about the past and create new memories.

It was a Dream come true, but first, they'd have to get situated. Start at the hotel and then continue to work their way up, closer and closer to success. It would be a new way to get his feelings out, ones he had to contain for practically his whole life, releasing them through song lyrics.

Dream was ready to leave his past behind and start a new chapter of his life, there was no turning back for he had already closed the door and opened a new one to the future.

Goodbye past,

Hello future.


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