25 • 18

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lol the chapter name looks confusing

"It's okay." Karl giggled, leaning his head on Sapnap's shoulder as they watched the sunset together, along with the other four. "I saw Dream working on his love song for George."

"Yeah, I told him to and he said he already had been planning one." Sapnap replied, "Perfect timing I guess!"

"Perfect timing." Karl agreed, letting his head rest on his shoulder once again.


Dream was tapping a pen on the desk at a rhythm, thinking of better words to write down.

"Why do you always work on songs last minute? The concert is literally today." George leaned on the desk, looking at Dream.

"I don't know, but I manage." He looked back at him and then back at the paper. "Besides, I'm almost done."


"Yeah, like 3 more lines or so." He shrugged.

"Alright.." He pushed himself off the desk, getting up to go answer the door. "Karl just texted me he's back with everyone. I'm guessing they slept over at the hotel for the night."

Dream nodded, continuing to tap his pen.

George unlocked the chain, the door swinging open abruptly, nearly knocking George off his feet. They all ran into the building like a herd of bulls, Sapnap and Karl looking horribly exhausted.

"What happened?"

"We just had to chase them back to the building." Sapnap wiped the sweat off his head, panting heavily.

George snickered, closing the door behind them and locking it.

"What'd you guys do while we were gone?" Karl popped open a monster.

"Nothing much, just practicing for the concert today." George said honestly, though he received suspicious looks.

"You guys didn't like.. kiss?"

"No..?" He gave a concerned look. "Why do you guys seem like you want the kiss more than I do."

"Because we've been waiting for this moment for
like— ages!" Karl answered.

George huffed, "We're not even official yet."

"Yet you say?" Sapnap teased.

"Well I mean, we're kinda destined to be together." George said, not mad about the idea.

Sapnap nodded, plopping down onto the couch and leaning back in relief. He let out a breath and took a peek at what Dream was writing.

Dream looked over at him and he immediately looked away. "What are you doing Sapnap?"

"Nothing." He shook his head.

"If you want to see what I'm writing just say so." He laughed, making Sapnap laugh along awkwardly.

Dream continued jotting down lyrics onto the paper, this time moving it over a bit for Sapnap to see. "Okay well, I got that done." He handed him the music sheet for his drums, "Is that clear?"

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