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"I'll sleep facing away from him." Dream picked up his backpack, heading out the door and starting up the car engine. Quackity watched as he drove away, merging with the traffic and blending in with the other cars until he completely lost sight of the car.


His keys jingled as he twisted them, opening the door with a loud creak. His eyes scattered around the room until he saw George, curled up into the blanket and staring right back at him.


"Not now, George." He placed the keys onto the table, taking off his backpack and hanging it on the rack. He took off his coat, letting it dangle off the chair.

"Dream.." His tone was more sad now.

"I know what you did George, and really I am thankful but I can't just—" He took a breath.

George laid back down, staring at the ceiling. "I understand." He turned onto his side, closing his eyes.

Dream stared down at him, his eyes were puffed up as if he'd been crying. He puckered his bottom lip, brushing George's hair out of his face and leaving a kiss on his forehead.

George didn't budge, already asleep. Dream stepped back and got into the bed, backs facing one another. He took a deep breath and shut his eyes.


Dream went to a local coffee shop, the overwhelming smell of freshly brewed coffee filling his nose. When he pushed the door open, the bell rang, alerting employees he was there.

He ordered a cake pop and a coffee before sitting down at a table in the corner of the building. He placed his laptop in front of him, starting it up and plugging in his earphones, beginning to work on his song.


The brunette stretched as he opened his eyes, Dream not next to him. He sighed and got up, walking to the bathroom. He looked at himself in the bathroom mirror, his eyes were puffy and red. He turned on the faucet and put his hands under the running water, splashing it onto his face.

He pat himself down with a towel and got out of the bathroom, grabbing a fruit from the bowl in the center of the table. He rinsed it and put it in his mouth, taking a bite and grabbing his keys.

George drove to the concert building, entering through the back and seeing Karl and Sapnap talking on the couch. They looked at him and waved, well Karl did.

He waved back and walked awkwardly towards the mini fridge, grabbing a chocolate milk. Karl approached him, bringing him over to the couch.

"So." He started, leaning back into the chair.

"Yes?" George took a sip of his milk.

"Anna came here the other day and she brought your hoodie." He pulled out George's hoodie from behind him, handing it to him.

"Oh yeah, thanks." He took it, throwing it into his backpack. God it smelled like her. Disrespectfully.

He scrunched up his nose, making Karl laugh quietly. He smiled at him, his laugh always got him easily. Speaking of funny laughs,

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