2 • Final Night

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"I wish it was that easy to tell you." He mumbled to himself, chewing on the inside of his cheek and continuing to walk.

Dream furrowed his eyebrows, "Why is it difficult?"

He heard?!


George quickly thought of a way to change the subject, the gears in his head turning painfully slow. Dream stared deep into his soul, waiting for an answer, it only made it more difficult. "The three are waiting for us—"

"They can wait." Dream grabbed his arm, preventing him from walking away.

"I— Dream let's just go!"

Dream smirked, dropping his arm loose and walking away, chin up and the stupid smile of his spread across his face. George rolled his eyes and ran to catch up.


"Sapnap you don't understand! He is a friend!"

Sapnap had enough of listening to his bickering about 'He doesn't like me like that!' "George are you kidding me, do you hear yourself? You said he SMIRKED and said 'the rest can wait' !?"

"Yeah that doesn't mean anything!" George groaned.

"George you are literally so oblivious oh my god," He facepalmed, "Friends don't just smirk and speak seductively."

George folded his arms, "Yea! Well— maybe he's different!"

"Jesus chr—"

Karl banged his fists on the door, "Are you guys done kissing in there??"

"Karl! for fucks sake— we are not kissing!"

"Mhm.." Karl stepped back as George walked out of the bathroom, followed by Sapnap.

He was the only one who knew about George's major crush on Dream. Countless times where George would continuously deny telling the blonde saying he'd 'do it later.'

"Okay, what do you want?" George placed his hands on his hips.

Karl clapped his hands together, "You know how Dream can sing, you can play guitar, I can play the bass, Sapnap will be on drums, and Quackity can play piano?"

"Yes what's your point?"

"Common sense, George!" Karl rolled his eyes, "We can like— make a band and call it The Feral Boys."

Dream widened his eyes, "No joke?"

Sapnap shook his head, agreeing with Karl. It wasn't too much of a bad idea. They could work on a few things, sort things out and test it out.

"Ok well first of all," Quackity started, "We can't just have Sapnap do drums, we live in literal dorms. Noise complaints exist."

"What are we even studying for if we want to start a band?" George questioned, shrugging.

"True.." Dream zoned out, starting to think of solutions. "I say we drop out."

"Not a bad idea!" Karl raised his eyebrows. "Who's in?"

"Are we allowed to just drop out?" George chewed at his lip.

Dream exhaled, "What are they gonna do about it?"


"I'M IN!" Quackity raised his hand in the air. The other followed behind and soon there were 5 hands raised. They settled in and planned out more.

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