27 • Theme park

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"You're not going to forgive me..?"

"But who am I without you?"



so sorry for the late update !!

Tommy got up, about to walk out the door before someone's hand gripped the back of his shirt.


He could feel Dream's eyes carving into his back.

"You're not going anywhere until you apologize."

"He hurt me thou—"

Dream scoffed, "I thought you're not a baby? Guess you proved your point wrong." He held in a laugh, knowing this would rile him up.

"I am not a child!" He fought back, "I am a big man."

"Is that so?"

Tommy nodded confidently.

"Prove it. Go apologize." He grinned, seeing the pure annoyance in Tommy's face. "I'm waiting.." He taunted. (stream taunt by lovejoy)

Tommy groaned, crossing his arms and turning around to face Tubbo who was on the verge of tears in Ranboo's arms. He walked slowly, watching Tubbo's eyes travel over to him, sitting up and wiping his eyes.


"Hey Tubbo.." He greeted him lazily, sitting down while Tubbo watched him with nothing but confusion on his face.

Tubbo wiped his eyes, "Do you need someth—" A sniffle interrupting him. "Something? He finished his sentence.

"Uhh—" He looked back at Dream who squinted his eyes, "Yeah I uhm." He looked down at his lap, "Sorry for what I said earlier, I was just feeling a bit moody." He laughed awkwardly, looking over at Dream who was holding in a laugh.

"Oh?" Tubbo's eyebrow arched, "I forgive you; How could I not?" He joked to try and brighten up the mood.

"You know I couldn't stay mad at you for that long anyways." He smiled, "Everything I said was just in my mind at the moment and I guess it kind of just.. slipped out?"

"It's okay." Tubbo's voice softened as he hugged Tommy.

Tommy let out a short breathy laugh, wrapping an arm around Tubbo to show he still somewhat cared for him.


Dream was wheezing to the point his face was red as a cherry, "Do I really scare you that bad??" He referred to how scared Tommy was to not apologize as he said.

"Yeah I mean—" He held a concerned face, "You should've seen your face. God you remind me of motherinnit." He giggled.

"I do not!" He crossed his arms.

"You do so."

"Well I mean I guess there is an advantage do that. Now I can boss you around!" Dream grinned.

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