8 • Freaks

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"Yeah!" Tubbo added on, "You guys will be thanking us later on! Plus, I won't tell George you like him!" He motioned himself zipping up his mouth and throwing out the lock.

Dream thought for a moment, scoffing. "Fine!"

"It's a deal."


Tommy, Tubbo and Purpled were carrying stacks of chairs to the main concert room. Dusting off tables that sat in the corner of the room for god knows how long. Brushing off their hands and standing back, giving themselves proud pats on the back.

Many people came over that one night, there was no doubt they wouldn't show up again. Seeing that it was a free concert from people who were trending recently, many positive comments on posts.

George was sat, scrolling on his phone and looking through the trending page. He came across a photo from a user that went by TommyInnit.

Free concerts from the 'unknown band' here in Times Square! Come now!

2602 Likes. Tommy was one hell of a famous kids. Seeing that many individuals had liked the post, there were sure to be people arriving any moment now.

And so they waited,

In the meantime, Dream brought stands for the music sheets, propping them up in front of each instrument for them to follow along. George was practicing the riff a few more times, not wanting to make a mistake once there was an actual audience.

Right now sat Purpled and the others on one table, eating snacks that they bought from the nearest has station. It wasn't too far off, a quick 7 minute walk and you'd arrive.


Few minutes of waiting and a group walked through the door, "Umm— is this where the concert is?"

Quackity nodded, smiling and waving for them to come inside. They took a seat as Sapnap reassured that they were waiting for other people to come in.

Couple more taps on the stage and nervous beads of sweat rolling down Dream's forehead, there was enough people to consider it a crowd, reasonable for over 2k people liking the tweet.

Karl looked back at the others, "Are we ready?"

"Mhm!" George was ready than ever.

The feeling of hearing a piece come together was great. As they stood up, holding their instruments in arm and Sapnap tapping his drumsticks together 3 times before they began to play.

(play freaks by surf curse)

George began to play the riff familiar to Dream's ears, the others following along with the notes. He looked at the crowd, nervously gripping tighter onto the microphone. He let out a sharp breath, ruffling his hair to pass time.

"You got this" George whispered into his ear, lifting a weight off his shoulders. He sighed, beginning to sing.

Don't kill me
Just help me run away
From everyone
I need a place to stay
Where I can cover up my face
Don't cry
I am just a freak

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