15 • "Royal"

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"Am I Dream's yellow?"


Two people ran up to George as he walked through the door, "George your here!"

It was both Anna and Karl. He could see by the way Karl glared at her, he didn't like her.

What was their problem!? Anna didn't do anything wrong.

At least that's what George thought.


The night of the concert, Sapnap had noticed Anna's suspicious looks. The way she looked at the back of the audience every few seconds, the people her eyes were on held briefcases in hand, giving her a thumbs up.

The same night after the performance, he noticed she immediately went outside. He went with his instincts and he followed.

He peeked over the corner of the wall to where he saw Anna standing with 2 scarily tall men. One had a long, pink braid and a cloak trailing behind him like a royal mantle. Topping it off with a crown, he had to be some sort of royal person.

"Good job, Anna." His monotone voice spoke out, congratulating her as she smiled nervously.

"Do I get the money..?" She asked, tapping her foot.

The man with shades took a step closer to her, pulling up his briefcase and placing it in her hands. He nodded as they started to walk away.

Anna began to walk towards Sapnap's direction.


He ran quickly inside, taking a seat next to Purpled and tuning in to the conversation as if he were already there.

Tommy set his coke down, "Hey! What the fu—"

"Shush!" Sapnap put a finger to his own mouth, watching carefully as Anna walked in, placing the briefcase down under one of the couches. "See that? She's hiding something and I wanna try to get it."

"Wait wait wait wait— what if it's like— a bomb or something!? Are you insane?" Ranboo grabbed his sleeve, stopping him from taking the briefcase. "I know we all hate her but you can't just steal something."

"Oh come on, she's a bitch. What if there's money in there!? She deserves for it to get stolen." Sapnap was now being held back by all three of them. "You guys are no fun."

"You're the one who might be the reason to our death. That— thing could possibly go on self destruct mode if you laid a finger on it." Ranboo said while eyeing the briefcase.

Sapnap adjusted in his seat, "Okay but get this," He sounded eager to tell them, "She was out there talking to like— 2 royal dudes with crowns and what if she's some like undercover princess."

"Or get this—" Purpled mimicked, "They're just cosplaying."

Sapnap slumped, leaning back in his chair. "Do cosplayers hide secrets from you and have mysterious suitcases lying around an 'abandoned' building?" He said sarcastically.

Purpled thought for a second before nodding, "Fair point." He sipped his cola.

"Plus, she was being weird during her performance." Sapnap took a new can from their mini fridge.

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