21 • Looking out for you

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Had he broken up with Anna for nothing?

(no dumbass😱)


(keep in mind george has no idea dream knows about his feelings or the string)

Day of the performance and Dream was still constantly steering away from George. Try to talk to him? He manages to walk away.

Was he still mad? Or did he need time like he stated.

George sat on the steps in the back, guitar resting on his lap and a pick in his hand. He stared at the sheet, rehearsing it in his head and playing it. He wouldn't want to mess up in front of Dream, he's not here to disappoint him. Especially after finally getting out of the relationship with Anna, he'd do anything for Dream to forgive him once again.

He heard the door creak open, turning his head around.

"Hi George." Tommy greeted him with a friendly wave, his voice calm.

He waved back, "Hello Tommy." He turned his head forehead again. "What brings you here?"

"Dream keeps talking about you when you leave the room." He giggled, taking a seat right next to George.

George's heart melted as he frowned, "Aw.."

Tommy grinned, staring into the sky. "Yeah," He scoffed, "He really really loves you." He dragged out the repetition.

George dropped his head down, staring at his shoes and laughing to himself. He sighed, looking at Tommy. "Off topic but thank you for everything, really really." He mocked him, even though it didn't fit with the sentence. It fit with the moment.

"No problem." Tommy smiled, "I'm going to go back with Purpled, now." He waved goodbye, standing up and brushing his hands against his jeans. He pushed the door open.

The door closed gently, the impact making air blow onto him. He gnawed at his lip, starting to practice again.


"Tommy.. what did you tell him?" Dream said, not having any sort of dominance for Tommy was only inches shorter than him.

Tommy shrugged "I already said I told him nothing!"  He fought back.

The lying tone in his voice made it so obvious. "You're a terrible liar."

Tommy slumped, crossing his arms. "I know." He turned around, "I'm still not telling you anything."

"Fine, I might as well go ask him myself." He didn't think before speaking.

"Good!" Tommy said as he realized it meant they'd finally communicate, "Go right ahead."

"No— wait—" Realization hit him hard.

"Do it. No balls." Tommy glared at him, waving dollar bills in the air.

"Is that mine?"

Tommy shoved it in his back pocket, "It could be."

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