14 • Flower Crowns

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It wasn't as great of an experience like when it was Dream performing, maybe she wasn't meant for this band. Don't get me wrong, her voice was alright but she didn't belong with them.

It is called Feral Boys after all.


Did he really love Anna?

Or was Sapnap right?

George sat on the bench at the back of the building, staring at the sunrise painted along the sky. The wind blew gently, caressing him as it wrapped around him like a cold but comforting hug.

He shivered a bit, leaves rustling as they fell swiftly off of their branches, landing on the concrete ground before being swept away once again. George always enjoyed the nature. It'd help calm him down if he were stressed or just confused, in general.

Choosing between two people was never easy, especially when they both cared about you so dearly. There was always this one particular place George had discovered when he was just a little kid. He'd always go there with Karl and just run around, lay there and gather dandelions.

A vibrant flower field surrounded by nothing but trees. Long blades of grass, so long that if you laid down flat, you'd be completely absorbed by them. It was peaceful, laying in an empty field with nobody but your best friend since kids. Sun rays shone brightly across their faces, making them squint their eyes a little. Sitting up and having to pick out tiny pieces of grass and flowers buried in each other's hair while giggling happily.

As George stared up into the sky, his phone began to ring, interrupting his thoughts. He read the contact name and let out a breath, picking it up.

"Hey George!" Karl's voice spoke from the other end of the phone, he waved at the camera.

George showed his face, the dandelions being seen surrounding him. "Hello, Karl. Do you need anything?"

"I was going to ask where you were but I think I know where, give me a few and I'll cya." And with that, Karl hung up.

George smiled, he missed getting to hang out with Karl without any stress. Knowing that he would be able to spend time once again with one of his closest friends was relieving.

He picked a dandelion out of the ground, holding it up in front of his face and giving a gentle blow. The seeds flew smoothly with the wind until it wasn't visible.

Footsteps approaching him slowly and then a hug over the shoulders, "Hi George!"

He turned around and it was Karl, as expected.
"Hi Karl!" He hugged him back, swaying a little from the weight of one another.

"So," Karl sat criss crossed on the ground, picking at the grass. "How are you? We only ever go here when we need to get our mind off something."

"Is there anything you want to get your mind off?" Karl looked up at him, "Or anyone?"

Is there..?

"Yes, actually." George looked at the daisy in his hand, twirling it around. "It's Dream."

Karl let out a breath, staring into the sunrise. "Do you want to talk about it?"

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