18 • Boys Will Be Bugs

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"Good night Dream." Sapnap exhaled, "You better tell George soon."

"I will, don't worry." He laughed, switching off his side lamp and closing his eyes.

When is soon?


Tommy's leg bounced nervously, his heel tapping on the ground at a pace. "I'm so nervous."

"You'll do great, Tommy." Tubbo reassured, patting him on the back.

He smiled, "I've never performed in front of a live crowd before.." He let out a shaky breath, fidgeting with the fabric of his clothes.

"Well think about it," Purpled scooted closer. "Take the likes on that post that was leaked of you singing, convert them to people."

"That did not help, Purpled." Tommy said honestly, chuckling softly.

He rolled his eyes and scooted back over to Ranboo, continuing to converse with him.

Tommy whipped his head around as the back door opened, checking to see who walked in. "Oh hey Karl." He waved.

"It's almost time for your performance, get ready, people are pulling in." He said before grabbing a new can of monster from the fridge, "We will be in the crowd, except for Dream because he is 'sick'" He air quoted.

His heart nearly dropped, should he have asked to perform? "Thanks Karl.."

"Don't sweat it." He smiled brightly before heading out back.

He watches as the door closed with a faint slam, "Are you guys ready?" Tommy asked the others, receiving confident head nods.

"I reckon we head on now." Tubbo stood up, motioning for them to come follow along. He went over to the bass, Purpled pulling his guitar back over his head and Ranboo taking the drums.

Tommy went up to the front, wrapping his hand around the microphone stand. He waved nervously, looking over at the back where Karl said he would be. He is there, along with Sapnap, Quackity, George and Anna. He shot her a dirty look.

Dream? He mouthed to them.

Out sick. Sapnap mouthed back.

Tommy nodded, looking back at the others who nodded their heads, showing that they were ready.

(play boys will be bugs by cavetown)

As Purpled started strumming, Tommy looked over to Karl for one last look of reassurance. He was given a thumbs up and a large smile, relieving stress. He exhaled and began to sing.

I'm a dumb teen boy
I eat sticks and rocks and mud
I don't care about the government
And I really need a hug
I feel stupid
Pretend it doesn't bother me
I'm not very strong but
I'll fuck you up if you're mean to bugs

Quackity gave him a surprised look at how well the lyrics were, not needing any assistance. Sapnap cheered him on, pumping his fists in the air and clapping like a proud dad at his son's talent show.

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