6 • Free Entry?

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All 5 of them were stood side by side, looking at each other with sheer panic in their eyes.


"How did you even find this place!?" Dream paced back and forth, stressing the kid out. "Isn't it supposed to be abandoned??"

The boy threw his arms in the air, "That's what I thought too! And apparently not."

"What are you even here for?" George looked at him.

He sighed, "This is me and my friends hang out place! We go here every night and then you guys were just— there."

Quackity walked up to him, "Well I'm sorry kid but this is our place now, bye bye."

The boy squirmed in Quackity's grip, refusing to exit the building.

"Hey hey hey!" Dream helped him escape from Quackity, "How about we make a deal."

He thought for a second, thinking about the benefits. I mean hey! Free background music!

"Okay, what's the deal?"

Dream rubbed his hands together, ready to speak up.

"We can just share the damn place!" George cut him off. Dream pressed his lips into a thin line, though he could not say George was completely incorrect.

The boy's face lit up, happy that he would be able to stay. They all cheered, George bowing dramatically making Dream roll his eyes for he believed he had a better plan. Although, he didn't get to voice it out.

"Kid, what is your name?" Dream turned his attention to the boy who then stopped cheering.

"Why do you need to know!?" He responded defensively.

"In case you and your mischievous little friends get into trouble," He narrowed his eyes. "I'd know your identity."

"The name's Tommy." He mumbled, loud enough for them to hear. "While we're in this topic, I might as well say my friends have been outside, eavesdropping this entire time."

Quackity fumed, "Oh you little s—"

George held him back by the back of his shirt, "Why are you so angry!?"

"Nobody was supposed to know about us yet! This was so unplanned— god." He rubbed his temples, tugging away from George's grip. "What if they go blabbing around town and suddenly we have an audience filled with thousands of people! Then what?!"

George says, "You're overthinking too much Quackity, if I'm being honest, it's for the best right? We can gain popularity! I mean— they liked Dream's song!"

"He has a point!" Karl butts in, winking.

"Have a carrot, please, calm yourself." Tommy says to him, laughing as it made him more furious.

Quackity groaned, going backstage, maybe grab a couple carrots while he's at it.

Dream stood at the door, letting the other two kids in. "Here are your friends." He says to Tommy as they sat down on either side of him.

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