19 • I love Dream

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His mother rolled her eyes, shaking her head as she placed her hands on her hips. She knew they would just be on minecraft all night long until they wore themselves out, passing out on the mattress.


Ever since George had heard what happened from the other side of the door, he never forgave him, or even tried to. He just completely cut off all contact.

He didn't even seem to care how Dream was feeling, or came to acknowledge that it was sort of a misunderstanding.

Not really though.

What slipped out of his mouth was nothing but an honest truth but he couldn't just admit it. But then again, George said it himself.

Why can't you just be happy for me?

He didn't bother showing up at his solo performance, and it was before everything went down. Had George taken the hint yet? Does he even know what the hint is?


George rocked back and forth in his bed, tears rolling down his face. In his hand was the same pair of scissors used to cut the soulmate string.

Anna has just scolded George, telling him to block all contact with Dream and making him admit things that should've stayed to himself.

She knows about the string.

As she stomped out of the room, George sat there, scissors being handed to him by Anna herself. He doesn't deal with arguments well, he'd bury himself in the covers and think nonstop. He always ended up getting no sleep.

The pair of scissors held the string in between the blades, the broken heart shimmering at him as if it were telling him to cut it.

But he couldn't.

Just because he has Anna doesn't mean the feelings fully left him, they still existed and he knew it. Somewhere in his heart lived Dream and for some reason, it took up more space than Anna did. Had he really cared or was she really just a distraction?

She admitted, she wasn't an employee at that café. She admitted all her dirty little lies the same minute she tried getting George to cut the string, pulling her grip off of George's wrist and singing a visible red mark.

"Cut the damn string George!" She yelled as he refused, kicking his legs. "Do it for my mother! Listen to what I told you!"

"I can't! I love Dream still!" He fell back as the force was suddenly removed.

"You do not love Dream! You're supposed to love me!" She spat, "Think about my mom in the hospital George! I'm doing this for her and I need you to obey!"

"I won't do shit for you! You don't love me." A tear rolled down his cheek.

She gave him two options.

"Cut the string or I leave."


"You heard me the first time, George." Anna glared into his eyes, "Cut the string."

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