30 • He looks so perfect

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"Happy 16th birthday!" They all said in unison, group-hugging him, joyful smiles beaming on each of their faces.


(ok lets pretend dream and george are already official dhsjdjjs)

(i also forgot to add quackity last chapter, so pretend he was sick at home)

Dream stood at the front desk of a tattoo shop, finger tapping on the counter nervously. A bead of sweat trickled down his forehead, being completely submerged in nervousness.

The lady allowed him to sit down in the waiting room, informing him that he'd be called down once they had an available spot.

He watched the basketball play on the television, trying to pass time quicker.

"Dream?" A lady called out, motioning him to come sit down. "What design are you looking for?"

"A name tattooed in an arrow heart." (for the song)

She awed, "Who's the lucky girl?"

"Boy actually," He corrected her, though she understood, thankfully. "His name is George."

(getting your s/o's name tattooed on you is not something i'd do but its for the sake of the song)

"That's nice!" She smiled, "Is there any specific design you want? Font?"

He pulled out his phone, showing a reference picture. She studied it, nodding and getting to work.

(idk how to describe tattoos so time skipppp to after he wrote the song)


Dream wore long sleeves, hiding the tattoo until it was the appropriate time to show George. He was planning on doing it during the concert, matching the lyrics.

"It's warm outside why are you wearing a long sleeve?" George grew more curious as the minutes passed by.

"You'll see later." He smirked.

George leaned his head on his shoulder, "What is that supposed to mean?"

"Nothing." He rubbed his arm up and down, "Have you practiced?"

"Mhm! Already got it memorized." He said proudly, looking into Dream's eyes.

He grinned, "That quick?"

"Just for you, Dream."

Dream placed his head on top of George's, hand's interlocked. They cherished moments like these together, wanting nothing more than to spend some time just in silence, enjoying each other's presence deeply.

Quackity's head popped out from behind the curtain, surely not wanting to interrupt them. "Sorry I uh— the concert—" He cleared his throat, "The concert starts in 30." Guilt filled his voice as he received death stares.

"Okay." Dream turned around, holding George tighter.

"He's not gonna steal me." George laughed, noticing his sudden grip on his arm. "Jealous Dream."

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