13 • Cloud 9

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Eventually her eyes were tired and puffy, she let them fall closed. Still silently sniffling as she dozed off into sleep.


Sapnap's leg bounced nervously as Dream yelled over the phone, "You're technically kicking me out for that Anna girl."

"That's not what I said, Dream!" He lowered his voice a bit, "Stop stuffing shit into my mouth that wasn't there in the first place."

"Are you sure? Because it seems as though she is now the lead singer all because she's George's stupid little girlfriend." He hovered his phone over the end button. "I thought I was meant to be the lead singer, we agreed to this."

The sound of the call ending and his phone slamming down onto the couch. He dragged his hands down his face and groaned.

George took his ear away from the bathroom door, chewing at his lip and walking away. Do they really hate Anna?

What has she even done wrong?

He went back over to the couch, water bottle in hand.

"Hi baby, what's wrong?" Her voice was sweet like honey, filling his ears as stress was removed off of his chest. "What happened back there?"

"You don't have to worry about it, Anna." He looked at her, her eyes filled with concern. "How is your song coming together?"

She sat up a bit, fixing her posture. "It's great, I hope you'll like it."

"I'm sure i'll love it, your voice is amazing." He reassured, "I'm excited for tonight!"

Anna rehearsed the lyrics in her head multiple times with the fear of failure. She would never want to disappoint anyone, especially her boss. "I'm a bit nervous."

George wrapped his arm around her shoulder, rubbing it with his thumb. "You'll do great, don't stress about it too much."

She smiled softly, "Thank you, George."


Dream leaned his head against the headboard, staring at the spot where George once laid. Rethinking all the memories, maybe he should've stayed as your typical college student.

This was all his fault anyways, he invited George to the café. Who knew Anna would be there the day he planned to confess?

Ruining everything.

Getting in the way.

Anger built up inside of him as he clenched his fists, being completely submerged in his emotions. He grabbed his keys off the night stand, loud jingling of the chains hitting against one another.

He got into his car, starting up the engine and blasting one of his playlists. Leaning back as he ran fingers through his hair, checking the mirror and smirking.

He rolled down the windows slightly, strong wind rushing through his hair and past his face. One arm rested on the arm rest and one was attached to the steering wheel.

2 girls stared at him from the car beside him, he rolled up the window, paying mind only to the road in front of him. As the light turned green, he stepped on the breaks and hurried away onto the busier streets.

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