29 • Tubbo's Birthday

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"I GOT THE VLOG GUN!" He bursted through the door, shooting Sapnap with a nerf bullet.


(wilbur left already)

Tubbo jumped up and down on the bed, attempting to wake Tommy up. "Wake up!!!!" He shook Tommy's shoulder, getting hit in the face with a pillow.

"I'm tired..." His eyes were still closed.

"It's my birthday! Tommy.." He dragged out his name annoyingly, continuing to shake him but more harsh. "I'm finally 16 like you!"

Tommy sat up, "Fine."

Tubbo laughed at the sight of Tommy's hair poking out in all different directions. "Let's go wake the others."

"Not Dream though, he's scary to wake up." Tommy refused, "Have you seen Sapnap trying to wake him up!?"

"Yeah maybe we will skip Dream.." Tubbo agreed.

They went to each of them in order, finally reaching Dream and George.

"George?" Tommy carefully tapped his shoulder, not wanting to wake the blonde laying next to him.

George's eyes flickered open, "hm..?"

"It's Tubbo's birthday but can you wake up Dream for us? He doesn't get mad at you." He explained, backing away quickly.

"Oh cmon he's not scary look." George shook Dream's shoulder, watching as his eyes opened slowly.

"Good morning George." He smiled.

"Well— you're George!" Tommy crossed his arms, "Now if you don't mind us, we are going to get ready for today."

Tubbo grabbed a pair of clothes, rushing into the bathroom before anyone else occupied it.

"Okay nows are chance, go get the stuff!" Tommy rushed to the back, grabbing a gift bag with a new pair of headphones for Tubbo's birthday.

He took note in how Tubbo always ranted about how bad his headphones were; Constantly glitching or the audio cutting out. The wire was awfully short as well, sometimes he'd forget about how short it was, getting up and getting yanked.

There was a birthday banner, hidden behind the stage curtains. He pulled it out carefully, not wanting to tear it any way. He looked at the others, holding a thumbs up to them.

They waited by the curtain directly under the birthday banner, the present dangling in Ranboo's hands.

Tubbo creaked the door open, peeking through. "Hey guys? Why is it so quiet—" He froze, a smile creeping his face. "You guys planned this?"

"Of course!" Ranboo handed him the gift.

"Can I open it?"


Tubbo pulled the tissue paper out, putting it in a pile next to him. His eyes twinkled when he saw the logo of the box. "Thank you so much!" He pulled all of them into a large group hug.

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