26 • The boys are fighting

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George smiled, hugging him back and burying his face into the crook of Dream's neck. "I love you."

Dream was taken aback, his heart melting.

"I love you more."


this is like a filler/side chapter👍

Tubbo jumped and down, celebrating. "They said the thing!!" He pumped his fists in the air, still keeping as quiet as possible to not disturb the moment.

Quackity put his finger over his mouth, telling them to level it down a bit. (ok teacher🙄/s)

Dream and George parted, hands still interlocked as they walked towards the curtain.

Purpled's eyes widened, "Go go go!" He whispered, motioning them to go the other direction.

They all scurried over and away to the couch, sitting down like they weren't watching. As Dream and George came into sight, they waved, receiving waves and smiles back.

"Hey guys!" George waved, "Why do you look so— awkward?"

"Nothing! Don't worry about it." Karl gulped, "Why do you look so— happy..?"

Dream shrugged, making eye contact with George as if they were hiding something from them. They both bursted out laughing, the others just staring at them completely confused.

"Vote them out." Sapnap pressed his lips into a thin line, hitting a nonexistent button.

George rolled his eyes, a huge smile still visible. "Me and Dream are going out to the field, do you guys wanna tag along?"

"Sure!" Sapnap accepted, looking at the others to see if they wanted to come as well.

They all looked eager so he took it as a yes.

"Let's go!" Dream yelled, "Last one to step foot on the grass has to eat a spoonful of mustard when we come back!"

With that, they all ran as quick as they possibly could. Dream got a head start, tumbling onto the grass shouting 'first!'

Ranboo also tumbled, and then Karl, and so on, creating a domino effect.

Quackity was last, he already acknowledged it and just walked the rest of the way. When he got closer enough for them to hear him, they immediately started calling him a slow poke.

"Ok that's enough," Dream pulled his backpack off his shoulder. "I'm gonna set up everything, in the meanwhile, you can go find something to do." He said while taking out the typical checkered blanket, laying it down flat. He took a container of fruits out of George's hands.

"Did you bring the sandwiches?" George asked.

"Mhm!" Dream pulled out a plastic bag with multiple sandwiches in it. "I feel like a dad." He laughed, "Setting up food for children."

"Tommy won't like that you called him a child." He let out a breathy laugh.

"True. He's still younger though." He pointed out, "Well, I'm gonna go check on them. Can you set up the rest?"

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