5 • BandWasFound

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Dream's eyes went wide for a split second, he couldn't contain his smile any longer and it never seemed to fade away for the rest of the entire night.


The red string was getting harder to ignore every single day.

George couldn't handle knowing the person he was mean't to be with lived right in the same room.

Sharing the same bed.

Every night, the red string would lie right between him and Dream. Sometimes he'd even trip on it, tripping on what appeared to be an invisible object to others.

It was hard, resisting the urge not to just fess up knowing there was a chance it could ruin their friendship. Maybe he'd tell him when he felt it was a good time?

What was yesterday about? A joke?

I mean, it was really mean't to be in a joking manner. Do friends jokingly flirt? Especially in that way they did on the stage?


George looked over to the side, startled. He met eyes with Dream. "Good morning, Dream."

Dream looked around at the others, Quackity still sound asleep on the couch. Karl and Sapnap holding each other in one another's arms, Sapnap's chin resting on top of the others head.

"Looks like the others are sleeping," Dream whispered, turning his head back around to face George. They stared deeply into each other's eyes.

There was a thick wall of tension in between them, the string slipping just under it and wrapping around Dream's finger.

"It's just us.."


George turned on his back, avoiding eye contact. Mostly to prevent Dream from seeing just how easily he made George flustered.

Just how much harder it made it not to close the space in between them.

Dream laughed softly, looking up at the ceiling. George picked up his phone and scrolled on twitter, checking the trending.

A New Band?
People talking about how an unknown band was caught preforming at an abandoned stage located in Times Square.
7378 tweets

"Dream! Are you seeing this!?" He pointed his phone screen towards him, pointing at the trend.

Dream sat up, "You're joking, right? Click on it."

George did as told, hesitantly pressing on the screen. Photos were presented on his phone,

Photos of the same building.

There was a video of two teens pressing fingers on their lips as they recorded the 'unknown band' playing. He played the clip.

Baby now it's best here, to lay me down and rest here
Let's dream of Corduroy
Work for what you love to do and I will watch right over you
With your heart I'll never toy

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