24 • Ice cream!

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"Dream.." George stared into his eyes.

"You remember don't you." Dream looked up at him from the floor.

"Mhm." He confirmed, staring at his shoes.


George thought back to the kiss, have some. Why did he take it? Did Dream take advantage of him?

Dream would never.

"George I'm sorry I kissed you.." Dream looked at him, eyes filled with worry. "It was an accident"

"An accident?" He tilted his head, "So you didn't want it?"

"No no no—" He denied, "That's not what I meant it came out wrong um.."

George stepped closer, looking up at him. "What did you mean then?" He asked, "I don't like giving second chances anymore so consider yourself lucky."

Dream's eyes widened, "I meant that I was drunk and I wasn't in the right state of mind, neither were you." He reworded.

The brunette hummed in response, "You know I didn't mean what you quoted in the song, right?" He smirked, "You taste pretty good."

"Oh shut up." Dream smiled with his top teeth over his bottom lip (like this)

The wall of tension between them was thick, the air in the room was humid and they were both staring deeply into each others eyes

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The wall of tension between them was thick, the air in the room was humid and they were both staring deeply into each others eyes.

"Are they gonna kiss yet?" Sapnap pointed his phone towards them, peeking behind the curtains with the younger ones.

"Don't know, they're just like— staring." Tommy responded, sticking his tongue out in a disgusted manner.

Tubbo interrupted, "Now imagine that but Anna."

"TUBBO." Sapnap said angrily, not wanting to hear her name ever again.

"What!? It was supposed to be a negative connotation." He saw is it rubbed off the wrong way.

Karl came from behind, "Way to ruin the moment."

Sapnap shook his head, looking back at the camera to see Dream and George staring directly at it. "Uh oh— um guys?" Sapnap pointed to his screen.

They all gritted their teeth, motioning him to put the phone away. Ranboo waved for them to follow him out front, acting as if they totally did not just stare directly into their souls.

Sapnap let each one of them go first, following in a single file line, leaving him in the back. They all tiptoed as quiet as possible.


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