17 • Calling in "sick"

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He just didn't know when the perfect time would come.


Tommy sat at a desk located back stage, scribbling down lyrics for fun. He figured it would be about his friends, as bugs. It was a weird concept but it would all come together in the end, he was sure of it.

Ranboo would be a spider, Purpled is a beetle, and Tubbo is a bee. Because in this song, he refers to them as bugs.

He plays a role as this person, a not very nice one. But really he's got a kind side to him, and that's what this song would be directed to. He feels as though he's pressured to come off as how society expects boys to be, emotionless, or tough, to say the least.

Just to fit in with the other boys at school

The sun was starting to set, hiding behind the trees. He switched on the desk lamp, the large beam of light shining onto his paper, making it more visible. Tommy's handwriting wasn't necessarily the best but that's what he had advantage of, nobody would be able to read it except him.

For the chords, he'd make it a bit more readable for the sake of their braincells.

Tommy has occasionally sang in front of his friends and been told it sounded great. His voice had been leaked onto the internet as well, not along with his face but the compliments were great, not one hate comment.


Dream and George sat awkwardly on the couch together, chattering here and there.

All they ever talked about was Anna.

Well at least George did.

Dream sat there and listened, no matter what, he promised he'd be the one to listen to him ever since they were kids. This topic was just unappealing.

Eventually, George stopped talking after realizing Dream wasn't paying much attention, it hurt but he understood.

Dream got up and went into the restroom, leaving George alone to wonder what he did wrong. More specifically what Anna did wrong.

Everyone knows about Anna's plan for money, all except George of course.

He dialed Sapnap's number, the phone ringing 2 times before he picked up. "Hello?"

"Hey Sap."

"What's up? You sound dead." He rested the phone between his cheek and his shoulder. "Is it Anna?"

"It is." He leaned over onto the sink. "George is never gonna stop blabbing about her and it's actually getting on my last nerve."

Sapnap sighed, "Last time I'm gonna say this, fess up." He sounded done.

"I'm gonna call in sick." He said out of no where.


"I can't handle seeing him with Anna it's too much Sapnap. I'll confess eventually but cmon I'm so sick of it." He saw a shadow underneath the door, "I'll only take one day off I promise." The shadow moved away.

"I'll call you back." Dream hung up and opened the door.

He met contact with George's eyes as soon as the door swung open, "George?"

"Sick of Anna?" George scoffed, "Are you serious?"

He took a step forward, George stepping back as if he were repellent to him. "George wait—"

"I thought you said you'd be happier for me, you even liked my stupid instagram post which made me think we were fine now." He looked away, "I guess I was wrong."

"Why won't you just take the hint, George!?" He shut his eyes along with his mouth, preventing anything else to accidentally slip out.

"What hint is there to take!?" He yelled, making Tommy look over at them.

"Forget about it." Dream stormed out the back door, the wind rushing in and blowing George's hair back before shutting and leaving him there, standing.

What hint?


"Tubboooooooo!!" Tommy called out, waving the paper with completed lyrics in his hand. "I made
a song!"

"That's perfect, Tommy!" Tubbo cheered him on, their hands colliding in the air with a clap. "I'm so proud of you!"

"Is that so?"

"Yes! Actually because Dream just called in sick and needed a back up singer."

Tommy stopped jumping up and down, "What?"

"Well you need to perform tomorrow night, the will be disappointed. They already announced on twitter that there would be a concert tonight!"

Tommy was not one to disappoint people, especially when it came to multiple of them. "Alright then.." He agreed, a hint of regret in his tone of voice.

"Woo!" Purpled cheered from behind, Ranboo clapping along. "Good choice Tommy!"

They all smiled at each other and then an excellent idea came into Tubbo's mind. "What if we all performed together, Ranboo plays drums, me on the bass, Purpled can be the guitarist! There's no piano in this song right?"

"Right! I'll go tell Karl right now." Tommy ran back stage and went up to Karl who was trying to keep George company.

"Hey Karl— woaahhh buddy you don't look so good." Tommy said, cutting himself off once he took a look at George. "Everything alright."

"He's fine, what did you want to tell me?" He said as he rubbed George's arm in attempt to comfort him.

"Me and my friends can perform tomorrow night, like with the instruments and everything!" He said excitedly, "Especially since George is not in very good condition."

"Are you sure?" Karl asked.

"Yes, one hundred percent." He rocked back and forth on his heals anxiously.

"Alright, be here tomorrow night."

Tommy cheered happily, running over to the others to tell them the news. "Guys! He said yes!!"


Dream was with Sapnap back at the hotel.

"He is still your soulmate, Dream. I saw him playing with the string during your concert." Sapnap said as he tidied up the room.

"No wonder my hand was getting yanked." Dream rolled his eyes in annoyance, thinking back to how many times he messed up his strumming.

Dream cleared off all the objects on his bed, flopping down onto it once it was clean and relaxing. He didn't notice how tense he was until he took deepee breaths. "Goodnight Sap."

"Good night Dream." Sapnap exhaled, "You better tell George soon."

"I will, don't worry." He laughed, switching off his side lamp and closing his eyes.

When is soon?

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