23 • She

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"We don't really have to bet on anything. It's common sense to know they'll be confused. They won't remember anything unless one of them was secretly sober." Ranboo explained.

"Okay, memory boy." Tommy nicknamed him.


George's eyes opened slowly, objects coming into view (or people.) He felt someone's breathing blowing carefully across the top of his head, making the strands move on its own. His head rose and fell at a rhythm. As he became aware of his surroundings, he looked up and saw Dream laying underneath him.

What happened last night..? He asked himself, noticing he had a bit of a migraine.

"Dream?" He shook him until his eyes began to flutter open.

He hummed in response, eyes still closed, probably prior to the fact he's still half asleep. "I'm tired.." His head dropped back down onto the arm rest.

"Dreammm.." George shook him more roughly this time, but he wouldn't wake up. He let out an audible breath and sat up, searching inside cabinets for pain medicine.

Dream's arms stretched out as he actually began to wake up. "George?" He noticed he wasn't laying on him anymore. Events of the previous night made their way back into his mind. He rubbed his eyes, propping himself up and looking around the room to make sure George hadn't wandered off in the middle of the night.

"George.." He called out once again, hearing a rustling noise come from around the corner.

"Boo!" George jumped out from the corner.

Dream let out the most monotone (but loud) scream as he flinched, making George cover his ears almost instantly.

"Oh my god George!" He clutched at his chest, breathing heavily. "You almost gave me a heart attack!" He wheezed at George who's eyes were closed and ears were blocked by his palms.

"You scream like a little girl." He laughed.

They shared a good laugh until last night came into Dream's mind, face immediately changing. He stared down at the ground, feeling a wave of guilt wash over him as George stared in confusion. Not much memory of last night stayed with him.


"Um," He bit the inside of his cheek. "I'm gonna go practice for tomorrow's concert, okay?"

"What happened? You were just fine seconds ago." He asked, trying to walk after him as Dream headed straight for the door.

Dream stopped and looked at him, "Nothing, I just remembered— something."

"Is there anything in mind you need to talk about?"

And it replayed in his head.

(THIS IS IMPORTANT!! It hints to the song)

Dream pulled away, giggling. "You taste like birthday cake."

"You taste like nothing at all." George licked his lips.

The alcohol was wearing off, "Hmm.?"

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