12 • Mom

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The way she acted, they were sure she was up to no good.


"Are you in yet?" The man leaned off the wall, staring at Anna.

She gulped, shaking her head. She watched fearfully as his expression changed, preparing to yell.

"Tomorrow is the last day," he snapped. "If you don't get in by tomorrow, you're fired."

Anna nodded her head, turning around.

She knew what had to be done.

She continued her walk home, where George had been waiting for the night. It was perfect, perhaps she could sing in the bathroom, act like he wasn't meant to hear. Would she then get an invitation? George seemed like the type of person to do so.

His friends won't be too happy.

She unlocked the door, seeing George standing there with the same bright smile. "Hi Anna!" He kissed her forehead.

"Hi George." She smiled softly.

"How was work?" He asked, arms around her waist and eyes locked.

She looked back up at him, "It was alright, my boss was a bit mad." She went over to the bathroom.

George puckered his lip, rubbing his hand along her back. "You never actually told me where you work."

She froze in front of the door, "Oh uh— I work at the Starbucks nearby."

"Oh! Right sorry, I forgot."

Anna hummed, continuing into the bathroom. She stared at herself im the mirror, ready to finish what she started. She cleared her throat, beginning to sing.

But when he loves me, I feel like I'm floating
When he calls me pretty, I feel like somebody
Even when we fade eventually, I'm nothing
You will always be my favorite form of loving

She took a deep breath, tying her hair up into a messy bun and walking out of the bathroom. To her expectations, George was standing there, mouth agape. She walked past him as if nothing happened.

"Anna?" He grabbed her hand, twirling her around. Her hair flowed beautifully. "That was amazing." He embraced her, making her smile.

"Thank you, George!"

"What song is that?" He tilted his head.

"Oh it's actually a couple lyrics I was working on, I don't know if I should finish it." She and George were still in each others arms. "It's about you." She smiled.

"Aww, thank you." He placed a kiss on her lips. "Um Anna?"

She turned around, "Hm?"

"Do you want to.." He paused, thinking of how his friends would feel. "Be in our band?" At least Dream could rest his voice some days.

Her eyes widened, hand over her mouth. "Of course! Thank you so much, George!"


Sapnap inhaled, "What do you mean you invited Anna to our band!?" He said harshly.

George stepped back, "I didn't think it was that big of a deal! Her voice is good!"

"We're the Feral Boys, George." He glared at him, "Do you understand what you have done!? This was a band mean't for us and only us."

"Dream won't be too happy when he hears about this." He whispered to himself.

"What does Dream have to do with this!?"

"Because he—"

"He what?! Sapnap." George looked at him, "Why should I care how he feels if he can't even be happy for me!?"

"Why can't any of you be happy for me..?" His eyes looked each of them.

"Because, George!" Quackity yelled, "You don't understand but we're not the ones to tell you."

"What is so important that needs to be said by someone specific?!"

"You are so selfish, George." Karl said, "You only ever paid mind to yourself and how you feel. You never even acknowledged anyone else's feelings."

A tear rolled down George's cheek, "Why do you guys care so much—"

"How about that red string of yours, George?"


"Techno, I got in the band.." She avoided eye contact, staring down at the floor.

He crossed his arms, "You think you'd just get the reward now?" He laughed, "You have to perform, at least once."

"That wasn't apart of the—"

"Blah blah blah," He mimicked, "Shut up and do it or you get nothing. Me and Eret will be watching in the crowd."

She nodded, eyes tearing up a bit. The though of standing on a stage was terrible, hopefully she wouldn't pass out. All eyes being on her.

Especially Dream's.

She went home and got started on her lyrics, writing down whatever came to mind. Tomorrow was the last day and she had no time to waste.

Dozens of scribbles and paper balls flying into the trash can, Anna was satisfied with her work. She practiced and practiced, playing the chords on recordings and putting it all together.

"Perfect." She licked her lips.

Anna flopped onto the bed, staring up at the ceiling. She sighed as her mind traveled. This was the only way to get money after all. Not just for herself.

For the sake of her mom.

Her mom had been in the hospital for over a year now, lying in what could be her death bed. She suffered with stage 3 cancer and the bills were only getting higher and higher every day.

Techno and Eret paid a good amount, it was the only way she would be able to afford anything in general. The only reason her mom was still in good condition.

She hated having to visit her mom. Her mom was trying her best to speak, voice weak and smile so faint, it hurt to see her like this.

The overwhelming beeping of the heart rate monitor and the cold touch of her mom's hand in hers. The hurt banging her chest as she told her mom that she would be back again soon to visit her.

Her mother waved weakly as Anna exited the hospital room, choking back her tears.

She rolled over, face in pillow as her tears were let out. She sobbed quietly, sniffles and hiccups were the only sounds in the room.

Eventually her eyes were tired and puffy, she let them fall closed. Still silently sniffling as she dozed off into sleep.

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