28 • Taunt

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"Thank you Dream!" The four shouted in unison, large smiles plastered on their faces.

Dream picked his head up, a smile on his face and his eyes getting glossy. "You're very welcome."

"Don't cry!" George hugged him, leaning his head on his shoulder.

"It's happy tears." He laughed, putting his head on top of George's.


Everyone was sound asleep, terribly exhausted from the eventful day before.

Tommy's sat up, rubbing his eyes and seeing that Tubbo was moving around nonstop. He shook his shoulder in annoyance. "Tubbo stop kicking me I'm trying to sleep." He groaned, laying back down once he apologized.

A clattering noise was heard from the back shed, startling Tommy and Tubbo.

"Did you hear that?" Tubbo whispered.

"Yeah.." A wave of fear washed over him. "Just try to go back to sleep." He tried to calm Tubbo, pulling the covers back over them both.

(the couches are pullout couches so they turn into beds)

Footsteps were approaching the back door and then a it slowly creaked open. Their hearts were beating rapidly out of their chests; They tried shushing each other, breathing heavily.

Ranboo walked through the back door, two pans in his hands. He held them up, clashing them together. "PAN." (hint: baking vid)

Everyone jolted up except for Dream and George, stilling holding each other in their arms.

"Are they dead?" Ranboo asked, beginning to walk over to them. He held the pans up, slamming them together right on top of them. Dream shot up, hitting his head on the pan.

He yelped, rubbing his forehead.

"Whoops!" Ranboo laughed awkwardly, a concerned expression on his face.

Karl grimaced, feeling his pain just by looking at him. "Are you okay, Dream?"

"Just almost got a concussion but yeah I'm alright." He spoke sarcastically, looking over at George who was still holding onto his arm. "George it's time to get up, I have an old friend coming over."

"Oh really?" He asked, looking up at him.

Dream hummed in response, getting up to go to the bathroom. "Also, I moved all our stuff here because I had to check out from the hotel." He informed, "Quackity cleaned out the house so it's clean, showers working and everything."

They all nodded, getting up to get ready.

"I bought eggo waffles at the store a few days ago," Karl said, pulling the box out of the fridge and grabbed nine bags, "Jeez this will take a while." He looked at all nine waffles that could barely fit on one plate. He placed them in the toaster, starting it up.

The younger ones had brought backpacks with everything they needed, letting their parents know they would be out for a while.


Karl buttered the waffles, grabbing separate plates and plopping them down. "Boom." He admired his work.

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