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"Ugh" I grunted annoyingly while pulling my suitcase up the stairs. How many fucking stairs left do I have to climb to reach my room?

My name is Y/N, I'm 18 years old. This is my first year in college, I'm excited to explore a college student's life. My dream college is quite far away from home so I have to move into a dorm that's why I am here struggling, trying to find my room by myself. As I took a final step up to the floor, there's a guy runs towards me and stretched his hand out to help me pull my suitcase, yeah I have a lot of stuff and they're pretty heavy

"Thank you so much" I said and bow at him politely

Man: Why don't you take the elevator? It would've been easier for you

"I can't" I replied and give him an emotionless smile, the reason I can't take the elevator is because I have claustrophobia and that shit annoying as fuck. I have to take stairs everywhere I go and running late all the time.

Man: Well, let me help you then, what floor are you going?

That was very nice of him

Y/n: My room is on third floor, I believe so

He nods and grabs my suitcase then lead me to third floor. As we come across one room I take out the paper that my brother gave me and look at the room number

"Sir" I called the guy, he stop walking and turn to look at me

Y/n: I think this is my room

Man: Is it?

I nodded which made him walk back with my suitcase

Man: Is this your first year here? I never seen you before

He asks while giving me my suitcase

Y/n: Yes

Man: Well, good luck then.

Y/n: thank you so much!

Man: No problem, see you around

I nodded and bow at him before he leaves

After the guy left, I take out the key and unlock the room. I walk in and shut the door again, "Omg, I'm so fucking tired" I whining while walking towards a soft couch and throw my body on it, I rest for few minutes then get up and walk into a bedroom.

Without wasting any time, I start unpacking my stuff while my eyes scanning around, I have a weird feeling, why is it look like someone already live in here? I stop unpacking and walk around observing the room a little bit. Someone definitely living in here.

What the heck why's so many man clothes? And what the fuck is this weird thing? I look at the closet with my stunt face, I jumped and quickly turn around when I feel someone tapping my shoulder "Oh my fucking god!!" I cussed loudly, my heart almost fall off from my chest. Then man was only an inch from me, that too fucking closed, I push him back and grab whatever near by, so ready to throw at him.

Y/n: You fucking creep, get out from my room

I shouted, panicking

???: No, who the fuck are you?

I start walking backwards as he keeps step in closer and closer, until my back meet the closet wall, I stop and standing quietly while holding eyes contact with him. Not gonna lie he's so fucking hot though. But I don't think he's a good person, I grab an umbrella and hold it close to myself when his sly smile visible.

???: That my umbrella

Y/n: I don't care, get out from my room

???: Lady, this is my room

Y/n: This is not your room

???: It is

Y/n: No, it's not

Welcome to the first chapter everyone. Thank you so much for reading it, I know it shorts I'm so sorry, and before you complain please realize that this is my first FF in here and English isn't my native language, my grammar is very bad so I'm asking you guys to be nice and patient with me. And please don't forget to vote, thank you!!

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