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Waking up I stretching my arms and turn to other side to see Jimin laying next to me staring at the ceiling, I softly smile and move closer to him, he turns his face toward me as I slowly wrapping my arms around him

Y/n: What time is it?

I asked, he peck my lip and then reply

Jimin: It's 6 pm

I sigh exhaustedly and rest my head on his shoulder, I should get going my brother and Yoongi oppa probably looking for me now, I just skipped the rest of my classes and came here to sleep for almost 7 hours I didn't even check my phone or letting Chen know where I am

Knowing I have to listen to my brother preach again later I close my eyes and sighed deeply then I feel Jimin's hand spanking my buttcheek

Y/n: Ouch!

I exclaimed and open my eyes looking at him

Jimin: Ass up we will go find something to eat

Y/n: Jimin it hurts

I muttering quietly while rubbing my butt

Jimin: Should I do it harder next time?

He playfully replied. I shoved his shoulder away and get off from the bed looking for my phone, I found it on the couch near my clothes pile, I went to pick it up my eyes widened as I saw a bunch of messages and missed calls from Chen and Yoongi oppa, well what did I expected, Yoongi oppa probably went to campus to pick me up but I wasn't there, fuck

Y/n: Jimin what should I do

Jimin: Do what

Y/n: My brother

Jimin: What about him

Y/n: He asked where I am

Jimin: Just tell him you're with me

Y/n: He can't know that I'm with you

Jimin: Then tell him you're with your friends or something

Y/n: I suppose to tell him before not right now

Jimin: I don't understand why are you scared of your own brother

Y/n: I'm not scared of him I'm scared of my parent

Jimin: And? Your parent seem nice they will understand that you're 19, you can do whatever you want, you don't need their permission anymore and it's very normal to live with your boyfriend

Y/n: Jimin you didn't make anything better, you're not me so don't understand

He rolled his eyes and lay his head back on the pillow, I start walking back and forth debating whether I should call my brother or just text him

After couple of minutes I finally make up my mind and decided to call him


On The Phone

Y/n: H-

Chen: Where the fuck are you?

Y/n: I-

Chen: I been calling all day today

Y/n: It's not all day

Chen: Y/n shut up and tell me where you at right now and why you didn't pick up your phone, what are you doing and with who

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