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Jimin's Pov


I whispered her name softly, as my lip touching her earlobe she made a little moves and turn to other side, I chuckled and stand up.

I leave her and went inside the bathroom to fresh up.

Then I come back later after 15 minutes and Y/n still sleeping comfortably on my bed, I don't know why but I seem to smile every time I look at her, I mean she's cute but she clearly not my type, she looks too innocent for me.

As I'm about to pick her up, she abruptly turns her her face towards me with her eyes still closed, I stiffened.

Looking at her face, her eyebrows, her lashes, her nose and her lip they are so flawless, I gulp while still have my gaze on her.

Without realizing I slowly move my face towards her closer and closer, not only her pretty face and her tempting body but her scent also got me mesmerized.

"Fuck! not right now bro" I cursed lowly and staring at my boner then I look back at Y/n who still asleep.

I ignored my boner and attempt to pick her up again but unfortunately I woke her up this time.

She opened her eyes and look at me, still half awake, half asleep.

For some reason she didn't freak out or screaming like I expected she would do if she see my face this close to her, instead she just quietly staring at me back as she was lost.

We both lock eyes for couple of minutes, I heard she gulp loudly as I move my face down even more closer to her.

The moment my lip touches her lip, I kiss her gently but she doesn't respond to my kiss which make me a little bit frustrated as I'm about to stop she open her mouth wider so I slide my tongue in and continue the kiss.

Y/n's Pov

"Shiittt" I secretly cursed inside my head as I don't know what to do or how to respond, did he just kiss me? Or I was dreaming?

Am I dreaming? I questioned myself again before I move my hand and placed it on his shoulder while he still nibbling my lip gently, it doesn't seem like it was a dream tho.

As I start to enjoy it, I suddenly frown when he parts his lip away from mine, he looks really frustrated for some reason it left me wondering if I did something wrong.

Y/n: Uhh
Jimin: Sorry
Y/n: No, it's okay.
Y/n: That was good

I says shyly as my cheeks start to heat up

Jimin: Good? You not even responded

He scoff sarcastically at the end of his sentence which made me realize that probably the reason that he is frustrating.

I frown and sit up, I don't know why but I kinda feel bad

Y/n: Sorry
Y/n: I never kiss a guy before, it's my first kiss and I don't know what to do or respond.

His expression changed suddenly, he stay quiet as I crawled down from his bed, once my feet landed at the floor I turn to look at him again.

Y/n: If they all gone, I should go back to my room now, thank you for let me stay in here

After bow at him I quickly walk out from his room.

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