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After Jungkook bailed Jimin out we all left to a restaurant just to find something to eat and hangout, we stay at the restaurant until 7 PM evening because Jimin and Jungkook were drinking soju, I was just sitting next to Jimin and try to finish my ramen when suddenly I heard my phone ringing, I reached for my bag from another seat then take my phone out, my eyes widened when I saw the caller ID

Jimin: Who is it?

Jimin turns and looks at me

Y/n: My brother

He takes a shot of his soju then spoke

Jimin: Just walk outside, the music really loud here

He suggested. I nodded and get up from my seat then walking outside to pick up my brother's call

On The Phone

Y/n: Hello?

Chen: I'm at Yoongi's house, where are you?

Y/n: I- I'm hanging out with my friends

Chen: Which friend?

Y/n: Uh...

Chen: Huh?

Y/n: J- Jungkook, you remember Jungkook?

Chen: Yes

Y/n: Yeah him, we just go find something to eat after class

Chen: Tell him to take you home it late

Y/n: Yes

Chen: Next time just let me or Yoongi know first before you go somewhere

Y/n: I already told Yoongi oppa I'm going out with friends

Chen: But you didn't tell where or who you going with

I irritatedly rolling my eyes

Y/n: Sorryyy

Chen: Just get home before 8 no later

Y/n: K

With that he hung up, he will be so furious if he knows that I still hang out with Jimin ugh what should I do if he finds out, I sighed anxiously then walk back inside. I come sit on my seat with my frowning face Jimin turns and looks at me with his worry expression

Jimin: What he said?

He asks curiously

Y/n: He just asked where I am and he say I need to go home soon

Jimin: The fuck?

Y/n: He just protective

Jimin: Yeah I know

Y/n: I think I should go home now

Jimin: Y/n you're 19 you don't have to listen to everything he said, you can stay as late as you want

Y/n: I don't want to have problems with him

Jimin turns away frustratedly the fact that he still mad because I live with Yoongi oppa, we both remain silent for a minute Jungkook looks at us then clearing his throat

Jungkook: Yeah I think we should get going, it getting dark outside and I have exam tomorrow still haven't study shit

I just staring at Jimin as he keep drinking soju from the bottle with his furious face then I slowly move closer and rest my chin on his shoulder while my hands wrapping around his torso

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