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Y/n: I need to go take shower
Jimin: You can take after we done

Y/n: No I told you yesterday, we not gonna do it again

His face turns more furious, he get up from the bed and approached me, as he tries to take my hands I quickly step back from him

Y/n: Jimin stop forcing me to do what I don't want to
Jimin: Forcing? So you telling me you never want it since the beginning?
Y/n: ...
Jimin: Was I forced you all these times?

Y/n: That's not what I mean, you know that I like you and can't refuse you, you always take advantage of that and make me feel like a shameless whore for keep fucking with somebody else's boyfriend

Y/n: And in the end, you don't even want me like I always want you

Y/n: I'm done humiliating myself and I want to get out of this bullshit so I'm begging you to stay away from me. I'm try to move on, don't make things harder for me

Jimin: You try to move on with Yoongi hyung right
Y/n: ...
Y/n: I'm sorry I need to go take shower
Jimin: Y/n-

I push him out of my way and go grab my towel

Once I finished showering I came out and of course Jimin is still here, I just ignored his existence and do what I'm doing, I check at the time again and it already 6:05, I hope I have enough time to get ready

First I do my makeup and hair it takes me like 20 minutes to finish then I go pick a dress, I can still feel Jimin's eyes following me every moment but I could careless

I open my closet there are so many dresses I want to wear, I don't know what color he likes so I'm just gonna go with black

I open my closet there are so many dresses I want to wear, I don't know what color he likes so I'm just gonna go with black

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But does it look good to wear black on a date tho? How about red?

But does it look good to wear black on a date tho? How about red?

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