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The same day around 12 at noon, me and my brother are still at Yoongi oppa's place, while they both were talking I just sit quietly on the couch, couple minutes later Yoongi oppa look over me and clear his throat

Yoongi: Do you want something to eat?

I quietly staring at him, didn't expect he would talk to me, after few seconds I finally cleared my throat and response him with my soft voice

Y/n: No, I'm good thank you

He looks at me with his poker face and silently nods head then we both turn to my brother as he begins to speak

Chen: This is the only time you will see she rejected foods

Said my brother teasing me in which made Yoongi oppa chuckled softly

Y/n: Because I'm not hungry

Chen: I know you are but it's okay we about to leave soon, I'll buy you a lot of your favorite foods

I look at my brother with my emotional face, he knows me better than anyone I can't really hide anything from him except certain thing.

He been trying to make me feel better and smile again but little did he know he had lost his happy and cheerful little sister, I can never be the same anymore, no one can fix me, unlike my physical pain, my mental pain will never be heal.

*** Phone Ringing ***

My brother feels his pocket and takes his phone out as it continues ringing

Chen: Mira calling

He mumbled before sliding his phone to answer his girlfriend's call

Chen: Hey baby

Me and Yoongi oppa quietly glanced at each other as my brother stood up from the couch and walking outside.

As none of us decided to talk, the room just filled with silence and awkwardness, a moment later Yoongi oppa also get up and grabs his cigarette packet that was placed on the table then he walks outside, not even saying a single word but I do understand why he's acting like this

If I was him I wouldn't talk to myself neither

I sigh sharply and lean my head on the couch then I take my phone out and casually scrolling down my Instagram to ease my mind but it not help anything, since I'm not one of those pretty popular girls my page is quite dry and boring just like me.

After few minutes I locked my phone and put it back in my pocket then I get up and went to peek on my brother but he's still on the phone with his girlfriend then I start looking for Yoongi oppa as I didn't see him outside, he probably goes smoke somewhere else, I pout sadly and walk to his kitchen to find something to drink but I suddenly stop when I saw him sitting on his counter stool.

He probably doesn't wants to see me that's why he came sit over here, I quietly staring at his back for few seconds and about to walk away

Yoongi: What do you want?

He asked, not even turn to look at my face

Y/n: I- I'm thirsty

I replied nervously while remain in the same spot unmoving

Yoongi: Come sit here

After a minute of hesitating I slowly walk to the counter and sit down right next him, he get up from his seat and went to open the refrigerator, he takes out orange juice and poured it into a glass for me

Yoongi: I warm up some pasta for you it should be ready in couple minutes

I turn to look at the microwave as it still operating and then turn back to him, still can't believe he's doing this for me, once the pasta is ready he takes it out from the microwave, I just watch him speechlessly while he setting up the plate, he's so focused on what he's doing. When he finished he placed the dish in front of me with utensils and everything, I look at him with my frown face and turn to the foods, it's not like I'm not hungry I just don't feel like eating right now but I also don't want to hurt his feeling and effort

As I start eating, his eyes keep staring at my side profile while his hand gently caring my hair then he tucks them behind my ear and kiss my temple, I turn to him and flash him a soft smile

Yoongi: Do you need anything else?

He asks and I shook my head

Y/n: No oppa thank you

Guys I know this is short I'm so sorry I was gonna write more but I got a bad headache out of the blue, since I said I'll post today and I don't want you guys to wait longer so I'll just post whatever I got


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