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I just came back from the grocery and saw Jimin sitting at the couch watching TV, after organized the groceries I walk towards my room as I'm about to open the door I stop when I heard Jimin spoke

Jimin: Y/n come here
Y/n: What you want?
Jimin: Just come here

I breath deeply and walk towards the couch where he at

Y/n: What?
Jimin: Sit down

He pulls me down and made me sit on his lap, I sit down and turn back to look at him, he ignored my gaze and keep focusing on the TV

Y/n: You just call me to come sit here?
Jimin: Yeah, what else you wanna do? If you want we can do that thing you know, I'm down whenever

I rolled my eyes and about to get up but he instantly pulls me back and laugh playfully

Jimin: Sit here, your ass feel nice
Y/n: Seriously?

He chuckled then put on a random show, I know we just roommate but we get very comfortable with each other. 

We snuggling up and watching the show together as usual.

Y/n: I'll go make some popcorn
Jimin: Okay

I get up from his lap and went to make some popcorn.

3 minutes later I come back with a bowl of popcorn, I placed it on the table in front of us before sitting down on his lap again

Jimin wrapped both of his arms around my waist, he rest his chin on my shoulder and keep staring at me

Y/n: TV is that way
Jimin: Forget about the movie, I'm horny
Y/n: Jimin shush
Jimin: Let do it
Y/n: No seriously what if your girlfriend comes right now, she will caught us
Jimin: Ah that bitch, she not gonna come today I already know
Y/n: But still, it's not good that we keep doing this behind her, one day she gonna find out
Jimin: This is between us Y/n, only me and you know about this, if you don't tell her and I don't tell her she won't know about this right?
Y/n: What I'm saying is it's bad, I'm not worrying about she finding out, I'm not the one who will get my relationship ruin
Jimin: Aish, forget about it

I sighed and turned away with my frowning face, we both sitting quietly for couple of minutes, I was still on his lap as I'm about to get up he pushes me on the couch and hovering on top of me

Y/n: Jimin
Jimin: Come on I know you want it too
Y/n: I don't
Jimin: Bad liar

He laugh and grabs both of my arms then he wraps them around his neck

Jimin: Let see if you be able to hold it back

With that he smashed his lip on mine and started kissing me passionately, as I didn't response to his kiss he moves down to my neck and sucks on my sweet spot while one of his hand raising my skirt up

*Bell Rings*

We both stiffened, we look at other then turn to the door, Jimin quickly get off from me, I also sit up and fix myself.

Jimin's Pov
I wait until Y/n fixed her clothes and everything then I proceed to the door and open it

Taehyung: Tadaaa

Really this fucking asshole, I thought it was that whore Jessica I got nervous for a second

Jimin: What the fuck are you doing here?
Taehyung: I'm so fucking hungry let go find something to eat
Jimin: Bitch why don't you go with Jungkook
Taehyung: He said he's not hungry
Jimin: I'm not hungry neither

He rolls his eyes and walks inside

Taehyung: Is your roommate here?

I look over the living room and didn't see Y/n, she probably went to her room

Jimin: What with my roommate, you keep asking about her, she doesn't even know you
Taehyung: Maybe she could accompany me, you know I just need friends to go eat with
Jimin: There are many people you can ask-
Taehyung: Aish this bitch, I'll just be straightforward then, I came here to see your roommate, where is she tho?
Jimin: She went somewhere
Taehyung: Where?
Jimin: Do I supposed to know?
Taehyung: You have her number?
Jimin: No bitch get the fuck out of here
Taehyung: *Laugh* Bro what the fuck is wrong you today
Jimin: No what the fuck is wrong with you, why you came here at this time
Taehyung: Was I interrupted something *Laugh*
Jimin: Yeah, I was about to fuck ...
Jimin: Fucking jack off
Taehyung: *Laugh* Why don't you call Jessica
Jimin: That bitch useless as fuck
Taehyung: I mean I can help
Jimin: Yo fuck off
Taehyung: *Laugh*
Taehyung: You for real don't have her number?
Jimin: Who?
Taehyung: Your roommate?
Jimin: No
Taehyung: Can you ask for me?
Jimin: No
Taehyung: 50 bucks
Jimin: No
Taehyung: 100?
Jimin: No
Taehyung: Bruhh
Jimin: She doesn't like you
Taehyung: How the fuck did you even know?
Jimin: Because I know
Taehyung: Naw, just wait and watch me shoot my shot

Y/n's Pov
While I walking down the hallway to my second class suddenly I feel someone slightly bumped into my shoulder, I turn to look at the person he was smiling and waving at me

Jungkook: Hey
Y/n: Hey?
Jungkook: You remember me?
Y/n: Not quite

He chuckled at my response and casually walk down the hallway with me

Jungkook: I'm Jeon Jungkook, Jimin's friend, the guy that took your pizza at the party
Y/n: Ohh
Jungkook: I'm sorry I was a little bit drunk that day
Y/n: It's alright

He continue walking with me until we arrived in front of my class I stop and about to walk inside the class

Jungkook: You have this class?

I turn back to look at him and nodded in response

Jungkook: That's nice I have the next one, um can I have your phone number?

He takes his phone out and hand it to me

Y/n: Uh yeah

I took his phone and type my number in then I give him back before walk into the class

Jungkook's Pov
After I got her number I walk back to the cafeteria where Taehyung and Jimin at

Jungkook: Here's your phone
Taehyung: Did she gives you?
Jungkook: Yeah, it was easier than I thought

Taehyung chuckled and excitedly grabs his phone

Jungkook: Where's my money tho
Taehyung: Bitch I need to make sure if this her real number
Jungkook: You think she gave me a wrong number? Nah
Taehyung: We will see

This chapter is kinda terrible I don't know but please vote for it still even though it's trash :(


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