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Y/n's Pov
After dinner I went back to my room, I lay down and read some comic book try to distract myself, the house was quiet, I know my parent went to their friends aka our neighbor's house while my brother, his friend, his girlfriend went to the festival and Jimin probably goes back to Seoul, I was alone at the house, feel little bit lonely but I guess it's okay.

Jimin's Pov
While driving back to Seoul there are so many thoughts come to my head, I'm not sure if I really wanna go back but why I'm doing this? I don't understand myself neither

Eventually I pull over at the sideway, it quite near to the beach, the atmosphere was nice, I wonder what she's doing right now, she was home alone when I left, I want to say goodbye but I'm scared I won't be able to leave if I see her face, I know I hurt her so much but I'll end up hurting her more if I continue messing with her feelings

I've always want her but I'm not ready to break up with Jessica and I know myself can't stick with only one person, me and Jessica kinda have an open relationship, she knows I been fucking with other girls and I know she's been fucking with other guys too, we argue and fight countless times but we always go back together

I think Jessica is the one for me no matter what.

Y/n's Pov
Tossing and turning around the bed, I couldn't sleep why is everyone haven't come back yet? I get up and walk outside, there are so many stars in the sky today, I went to sit on our wooden porch swing and inhale the fresh air. Few minutes later I saw Yoongi oppa coming back from the carnival

Y/n: You come back already

I asked, he turns to me and make his way to the swing where I'm sitting

Yoongi: Yeah I lost Chen and his girlfriend

Y/n: Ahh my brother is the worst isn't he? I think they left you on purpose because they want sometimes alone

Yoongi: *Chuckled* Maybe

Y/n: Are there many people?
Yoongi: Yeah it's pretty crowded
Y/n: It like that every year
Yoongi: You went every year?

I nodded my head

Yoongi: Why don't you go this year?

I shrugged my shoulders and look at him, he chuckled and sit down next to me

Yoongi: Can I ask you something?
Y/n: What is it oppa?

Yoongi: Are you and Taehyung a thing?
Y/n: *Chuckled* No

Yoongi: What about Jimin?
Y/n: ...

Y/n: He just my roommate

Yoongi: I see, so do you have anyone?
Y/n: Hmm no? What about you?

I turn to him and stare at him waiting for the answer, after couple seconds of silence he chuckled and shaking his head

Y/n: Oppa you're more handsome than my brother why don't you have any girl

Yoongi: *Chuckled*

As he didn't say anything I look back at the sky and everything becomes silent but I keep feeling his gaze on me, after awhile I turn to him again and meet his eyes, I smile softly at him but he just staring at me with his poker face then his eyes staring down at my lip

My heart beating so fast and my face becomes all blushed, he reach his hand out and care my cheeks gently then he moves closer and finally closed the gap between our lips, my eyes widened I was stiff and couldn't respond to the kiss then he pulls away

Yoongi: I'm sorry, I think I have too much drink earlier

But I feel right for some reason, I shook my head and pull him back for another kiss

His hand grabs my face again, our kiss become deeper and deeper, I open my mouth let him enter his tongue and exploring me all he wants

We continue making out until we heard my brother's voice, we quickly parted our lips and sit still when they come closer

Chen: Dude we were looking for you
Yoongi: Yo don't act like you guys didn't just abandoned me in that fucking carnival
Chen: *Chuckled* Anyway we're going to sleep
Yoongi: Aight goodnight
Chen: Goodnight, Y/n go sleep it's late!

I rolled my eyes and get up, I walk inside the house with them while Yoongi oppa following me from behind, once my brother and his girlfriend go inside their room Yoongi oppa pulls me back by my waist and wrap his arms around me

Yoongi: Can I go to your room?

I gulp and nodded. We walk into my room and all I do was silent, Yoongi went around my room and then go lay down on my bed

Yoongi: This is adult manga

All of the sudden my eyes widened I turn around see him holding my books and open them

Y/n: I- I am adult

I jumped on the bed and take them books away from him, he laugh softly and pulls me inside his embrace meanwhile my both of my cheeks turned red like a tomato

Yoongi: I forgot you're 18
Y/n: Almost 19
Yoongi: Really? When is your birthday?
Y/n: Next month
Yoongi: Ahh, should I prepare something for you? What do you want?

Y/n: How you gonna ask me like that? The gift suppose to be surprised

Yoongi: Ahh what if I get you something that you don't like
Y/n: I love gift, it doesn't matter what it is

Yoongi: You must be a very simple girl, you know this kind of girl is my type, pretty and not complicated
Y/n: Wow I feel honored to be Yoongi oppa's ideal type of girl

He chuckled and get on top of me, I smile then pulls him down for a kiss, he kiss me so beautifully, it different from Jimin's kiss.

Yoongi: You know that Taehyung like you?
Y/n: Hm kinda
Yoongi: What do you think about him?
Y/n: He's cute and is a good friend

Yoongi: How about Jungkook?
Y/n: Oppa why you keep asking me questions
Yoongi: Because I want to know
Y/n: I don't really talk to Jungkook
Yoongi: Good

We spend several hours talking and get to know each other, he was so intimidated and look scary when I first saw him with Jungkook in the car that day, I was scared to approach and talk to him

It's crazy how did we end up here, I know it's too quick to attached to him but he's always gentle with me

Every time he kiss my lip I can't help but imagine about other thing else that I want him to do to me

I just hope he doesn't play me like Jimin did

If he's using me again, I don't think my life is worth to live anymore, I am no different from a prostitution, they only come to me for sexual desire but a prostitution is better at least they get pay and I don't.


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