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Police: I'm sorry young man but you will have to be in jail up to 3 months
Chen: That bastard he rapped my sister, he the one should be in jail not me

While the police investigating my brother I wasn't allowed to go in there for some reason, so I sit outside and sobbing quietly waiting for them to finish meanwhile a lady come standing in front of me, I look at her she spared me a hateful eyes and walk away without saying anything.

After awhile my brother and the police finally come out, I get up and ran towards them, my heart shattered when I saw handcuffs on both my brother's wrists, he looks at me with his gloomy eyes then the police took him and put him in the cell

Y/n: Please let my brother out he didn't do anything wrong

I kneel on my knees and beg the police but none of them listen to me they just lock my brother up and leave

Chen: Y/n stop crying, call Mira (his girlfriend) to come pick you up, don't worry about me, everything will be okay

Y/n: No I'm not going anywhere without you

Chen: Don't be stubborn and listen to me, it late now you need to rest

I shake my head stubbornly refused, he sighed and look down on the floor frustratedly

I randomly feel my pockets and found a snack I take it out and hand it to him while wiping my tears

Y/n: Eat this if you're hungry *Sobbing softly*

Chen: I'm not hungry you eat it

I shake my head and put it in his hand, he looks at me with guilty eyes and gently patting my head

Chen: I'm sorry Y/n, it was my fault to put you in the same room with him in the first place, I should be more meticulous

My heart breaking as he starts crying quietly out of frustration, I don't think I could ever remove this sin for made my brother cries and put him in this kind of bullshit, it wasn't his fault at all, it was mine, I was the one who pressured him to find a room for me and if I chose to ignore Jimin and never gave in to him since the beginning this will never happened

How can I explain this to my parent, they will be so heartbroken and disappointed, Chen been here longer than me and he never caused any problems, I'm such a disappointment to my family, I'm a stupid bitch and a worthless whore, I'm fucking worthless than a dime

I let go of my brother's hand and walk towards the chair that I sat earlier with my exhausted body and heart, I sit down on the chair hugging my knees and sobbing quietly...

Next day

I was already awake but I didn't want to open my eyes yet, my body is too exhausted, I want to go back to sleep but I can't with all these noises

While I'm trying to go back to sleep I suddenly feel warm on my body, I slowly open my eyes and found a jacket, a familiar jacket covering me, I slowly draw my eyes to the person and look up to their face then I realize it was Jungkook, I look at him in confusion still trying to retrieve my brain

Y/n: Why are you here?

I asked, he squatting down so that he on my level

Jungkook: How can you sleep in here, so many people walking around

Y/n: I-

I immediately stop myself and stood up when I saw the police come and unlock my brother, I increased my pace to them and hug my brother tightly, he chuckled and hugs back

Y/n: How did they let you out?

Chen: Your friend bailed me

Y/n: Friend?

Chen: Yeah

I follow his eyes as he turns to Jungkook

Chen: He's your friend right?

If it's Taehyung I wouldn't be surprised but why Jungkook? I stay quiet for few seconds then reply my brother

Y/n: Y- Yes

Not sure why he's doing this, I just stare at him silently while my brother walking towards Jungkook and bow his head at him, they both talk for few minutes then Jungkook say his goodbye, as he about to leave I called him, he stopped and turned back to looks at me, I went to grab his jacket and approached him

Y/n: You forgot this

I handed his jacket to him

Jungkook: Oh yeah

He smile and grabs it

Y/n: Why did you helped us

I asked him curiously, he shrugged his shoulders and reply

Jungkook: I just don't know where to spend my money at

He jokes playfully and look at me then his face expression changed as I just stared at him with my serious face

Jungkook: Just kidding Y/n, I wanted to help, I have to go now my class will starts soon, hope to see you around

With that he continues walk towards the entrance he seems in hurry but I still called him and he turns to face me once again

Y/n: Thank you

He smile and nods his head, after he left I walk back to my brother, we clear things up with the police and about to leave then Yoongi oppa arrived

Yoongi: Dude everything okay?

He asked my brother concernedly

Chen: Yeah Y/n's friend just bailed me out

Yoongi: Oh really?

He turns to look at me with a little bit unimpressed and I immediately turn away avoiding his eyes

Chen: Yeah

Yoongi: Sorry I'm late

Chen: Nah it's alright you have my car?

Yoongi: Yeah I brought it to my house

Chen: Thanks bro

Yoongi: Of course

He might be talk with my brother but his eyes always on me, I don't know why but feel worst and very ashamed that I couldn't face him anymore, all the time I just avoided his eyes contact and only stay close to my brother while we going back to his house to get my brother's car.


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