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Y/n: Ouchh!

With my eyes still closed, I move one of my hand down to my butt where I got spank and rubbing it gently

Mom: When are you gonna get up, don't you have classes?

Ah this woman is so annoying, she was the one made me study till late last night and now she try to wake me up this early. I pulled a blanket to cover myself and turn to other side, ignoring her

Mom: Eh this kid, didn't you hear me?

Y/n: Yes, eomma I do

Mom: Then shouldn't you wake up and get ready?

Y/n: Eomma, it's only 8, today my class starts at 11

Mom: The bus is leaving in 30 minutes and you going to missed it

Y/n: I'm not taking a bus, Jimin will comes pick me

Mom: That boy again

Y/n: Mhm

Mom: I told you to stop going with him, why can't you listen to me

I remember I used to scare of her finding out that I have a boyfriend but now I have had enough to tell her to leave me alone

Y/n: Eomma, please

I mumbling while pull the blanket up covered my head and ears to muffled her voice, as she continues lecturing . Knowing I wasn't listen she sighed loudly then after few minutes I heard her footsteps leaving my room. I'm sorry eomma but I really love him and I want to be with him. You said you left your family to be with appa because you love him more than anyone why now you refuse to understand my feelings

Your daughter is a very complex person, her mood changed pretty quickly. I don't think anyone in this world will be able to understand or tolerate me like Jimin, he always knows how to handle me, that probably the reason he looks so attractive which makes me love him more and more day by day. His personality changed a lot, before we would have a fight and no one would want to give in or say sorry first but lately he been so calm with me like a saint, I'm not sure if that is good or bad sign tho, is he done with my ass or what? Maybe he's tired of me, what if one day he dump me just like he dumped his ex, if that really happened, the first person that will laugh at me would be my mom, I said a lot of things to her and defended our relationship so proud and openly. Sometimes I like to think about our relationship and it makes me uncertain, we both are young we may not know the real definition of love yet, our relationship is more like sexual relationship, we tend to have sex a lot more than talking but that how our relationship started, we fucked without knowing anything about each other. I'm just glad that I'm not pregnant because my period just came and my body is exhausted. Honestly, this is the first time I feel happy to have a period. I uncovered my face and look over the nightstand to find my phone


Today 8:13 AM

Do you still love me?

Today 8:16 AM

This is the 4th time

But I wanted to know

Of course I do

Do what?

Do love you

Mmkay bye and good morning

Get ready I'll be there in few minutes

let's go find something to eat before
you go to college

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